



What is your favorite subject ?==Which subject do you like best?

6.语法学习:以How,Wh- 开头的疑问句。疑问词:how often, how long, how soon, how old, how many, how much, how big, how heavy, how wide, how far, what, when, who, whose, whom, where, which, why, what color, what time, what class

7. How many lessons do you have every day? We have seven lessons every day.

8. Why do \ don’t you like English ? Because it’s difficult and boring.

9. 1)learn from 2)be good at=do well in 3)be friendly to sb.

4)play the piano / guitar 5) play basketball / soccer / football

10.作文: 1)My School Life 2)News/Poster

G7Unit 6 Topic 1

1.Why not+动词原形 ?句型是提建议的一种表达法,形同“Why don’t + 人称代词 + 动词原形+ ?”。这样的句型常用来启发或建议某人做某事。回答常用Ok, let’s /All

right./That’s a good idea.

2. in front of 在 的前面(在范围之外的前面)

in the front of在 的前面(在范围内的前面)

3. put away, put on, try on, take off、put up (动副结构:代词作宾语放中间,名词作宾语在中间或其后)

4.语法学习:There is / are 某处(某时)有某物(某事)

A:1.肯定式:There is/are+数词、表数量的词+量词+主语+其它。

2.否定式:There is/are+ not+数词、表数量的词+量词+主语+其它。

3.疑问式:--Is/Are there+主语+其它? --Yes, there is/are. --No, there

isn't/aren't (注意 there be结构在改为否定或疑问句时,一般将some改为any.)


A:1.对主语提问一律用"What's+介词短语?"结构,其中谓语动词须用is,且there要省略。如:There are some pictures on the wall.---What's on the wall?

2.对地点提问要用"Where is/are there ?"如:There is a black car under the tree. --Where is there a black car?

3.对主语的数量提问要用"How many+主语(可数名词复数)+are there ?

How much+主语(不可数名词)+is there ?"

G7U6Topic 2

1. like:1)用作动词时意为“喜欢” like sth./doing sth. very much

2)用作介词时意为“像 ”,常用短语:be like, look like

2. look for 寻找(强调寻找的动作);find找到,发现(强调结果);find out着重指通过


3. What’s the matter?怎么了?(出什么事了?)

类似的表达法还有:What’s up?/What’s wrong?/What’s going on?

4. enjoy doing sth.喜欢、享受做某事。enjoy后接名词或动词的ing形式

hear sb. doing sth.听到某人正在做某事。


