

UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414

High Precision Leaded Resistors

Vishay Beyschlag


Components may be ordered by using either a simple cleartext ordering code, see “Type Description and OrderingCode” or Vishay BCcomponents’ unique 12NC.Numeric Ordering Code (12NC)

The resistors have a 12-digit Part Number starting with2312.

The subsequent 4digits indicate the resistor type,specification and packaging; see the 12NC Part Numbertable.

The remaining 4digits indicate the resistance value:–The first 3digits indicate the resistance value.

–The last digit indicates the resistance decade inaccordance with the 12NC Indicating ResistanceDecade table.

Last Digit of 12NC Indicating Resistance Decade


10 Ωto99.9 Ω100 Ωto999 Ω1 kΩ to 9.99 kΩ10 kΩto99.9 kΩ100kΩ to999 kΩ



12NC Example

The Part Number of a UXA 0204 resistor, value 47 kΩ andTCR 10 with ± 0.1 % tolerance, supplied on bandolier in abox of 1000 units is: 2312 662 34703.

12NC PART NUMBER - resistor type and packaging

ORDERING CODE 2312........




TOL.± 0.25 %± 0.1 %± 0.05 %± 0.01 %


BANDOLIERIN BOXCU 100 units562 2....562 3....562 4....562 7....562 91...563 2....563 3....563 4....563 7....563 91...564 2....564 3....564 4....564 7....564 91...572 2....572 3....572 4....572 7....572 91...573 2....573 3....573 4....573 7....573 91...574 2....574 3....574 4....574 7....574 91...592 3....592 4....592 91...593 3....593 4....593 91...

BANDOLIERIN BOXC1 1000 units662 2....662 3....662 4....662 7....662 91...663 2....663 3....663 4....663 7....663 91...664 2....664 3....664 4....664 7....664 91...672 2....672 3....672 4....672 7....672 91...673 2....673 3....673 4....673 7....673 91....674 2....674 3....674 4....674 7....674 91...692 3....692 4....692 91...693 3....693 4....693 91...

BANDOLIERON REELR1 1000 units462 2....462 3....462 4....462 7....462 91...463 2....463 3....463 4....463 7....463 91...464 2....464 3....464 4....464 7....464 91...472 2....472 3....472 4....472 7....472 91...473 2....473 3....473 4....473 7....473 91...474 2....474 3....474 4....474 7....474 91...


BANDOLIERON REELR2 2500 units------------------------------597 3....597 4....597 91...598 3....598 4....598 91...

BANDOLIERON REELRP 5000 units---------------577 2....577 3....577 4....577 7....577 91...578 2....578 3....578 4....578 7....578 91...579 2....579 3....579 4....579 7....579 91...


± 10 ppm/K

UXA 0204± 05 ppm/K

± 0.25 %± 0.1 %± 0.05 %± 0.01 %


± 02 ppm/K

± 0.25 %± 0.1 %± 0.05 %± 0.01 %


± 10 ppm/K

± 0.25 %± 0.1 %± 0.05 %± 0.01 %


UXB 0207± 05 ppm/K

± 0.25 %± 0.1 %± 0.05 %± 0.01 %


± 02 ppm/K

± 0.25 %± 0.1 %± 0.05 %± 0.01 %


± 10 ppm/K

UXE 0414

± 05 ppm/K

± 0.1 %± 0.05 %


± 0.1 %± 0.05 %



(1) Readable 12NC coding of resistance values is restricted to values with three significant digits. For resistance values with more than threesignificant digits, a non readable sequential number will be issued by the factory for each requested combination of resistance value andtolerance.

Document Number: 28726Revision: 21-Aug-07



