62. 欺骗deceive (cheat, defraud)
骗人:cheat sb. ; 骗人做某事:deceive sb. into doing sth. 骗人东西:defraud sb. of sth.
63. 冲突conflict ( dispute)
64. 驱使prompt (spur, incite)
65. 贪婪的acquisitive(money-oriented, materialistic)
66. 自私的self-centered (selfish, inconsiderate=insensitive)
67. 体谅的considerate (understanding, sympathetic)
68. 冷漠的indifferent (apathetic, aloof) aloof不修饰名词 :be aloof from sb./sth.
69. 奢侈的wasteful (luxurious, extravagant)
70. 残忍的inhumane(brutal, barbaric)
71. 绝望的hopeless(despairing, desperate*两层意思)
72. 过分的excessive (extravagant, exorbitant)又都有价格过高的意思。
73. 激烈的intense (fierce, vigorous)
74. 严厉的stringent (rigorous, rigid死板僵硬、一成不变)
75. 奇怪的eccentric (odd, peculiar)
76. 难以置信的unbelievable(incredible, incredulous表示怀疑的, virtual)
77. 惊人的extraordinary (marvelous, spectacular叹为观止的)
78. 有抱负的ambitious(aspirant)指心态aggressive指行为
79. 固有的inherent(immanent, innate)
80. 稳定的steady (stable, constant)
81. 恶化worsen (aggravate, deteriorate)
82. 夸大exaggerate ( overstate)
83. 限制restrain (constrain, confine)
84. 拆除tear down(knock down, pull down)
85. 加速accelerate (speed up, precipitate*)
86. 占优势predominate (dominate)
87. 分辨distinguish (differentiate, discern)
88. 抵消counteract (offset, cancel out)
89. 开展launch (conduct, carry out)
90. 颁布enact (enforce, promulgate )
91. 生活节奏pace of life(rhythm of life, tempo of life)
92. 影响influence(impact)
用作动词:to influence sth. / to impact on sth.
93. 差异difference (distinction, gap)
94. 交流communicate(interact, associate)
95. 接触have access to (make contact with)
96. 优先give priority to (put…into first place)
97. 节约economize ( conserve, cherish)
economize on sth. / conserve sth.
98. 参与participate in ( take part in, engage in/engage oneself in, join in)
99. 措施measure
100. 注意beware ( prevent, guard against) beware of sb./sth./doing sth.
We should ask the company to beware of the contamination brought by the new factory.