26. 探讨explore (examine, probe into)
27. 描绘depict (portray, illustrate)
28. 后果consequence( aftermath不好的后果,创伤; outcome)
29. 足够adequate(enough; sufficient)will do
30. 解决tackle ( resolve, address)
31. 意识awareness(consciousness)
32. 控制regulate (curb, censor*(字典解释叫“审查”,其实就是“删减”的意思。))
33. 解释account for (be responsible for)说明某结果的原因
34. 投资finance (invest in, subsidize资助、补贴)
finance/invest in sth. ; invest some money in sth.
35. 缓解relieve人或物( ease事物, alleviate事物)
36. 压力stress ( pressure, strain)短语:stresses and strains
37. 和谐harmony ( concord*) no discord, no concord.
38. 继承inherit (hand down, pass down)
39. 培养cultivate (train, foster)
40. 促进promote ( contribute to, upgrade)
41. 适应to adapt oneself to (to adjust oneself to, to acclimate oneself to)
42. 提供provide/supply (render, afford), proffer(提供意见、解释)
To afford/offer/render/proffer sb. sth.
To provide/supply sb. with sth.
To provide sth. for sb.
To render/offer/afford/supply/proffer sth. to sb.
43. 替代replace (substitute, take the place of)
44. 保护preserve(环境,因为有维护保留的意思protect)
45. 证据evidence (proof)
46. 赢得gain (acquire, attain)
47. 国外的foreign(alien, exotic)
48. 灾难disaster (misfortune, catastrophe)
49. 发展advance (progress)
50. 倾向于tend to ( be inclined to , be apt to)
51. 吸引attract (allure, tempt, intrigue)——alluring, tempting, intriguing.
52. 专注的be absorbed in(be immersed in, devote oneself to, concentrate on sth.)
53. 目的是aim at
Sb. aims at sth.(doing sth.)
Sth. is aimed at sth.(doing sth.)
54. 实现achieve (fulfill, implement)
55. 危害endanger ( threaten; jeopardize)
56. 损害undermine (impair, damage)
57. 阻碍hinder (obstruct, impede) from
58. 禁止forbid (ban, prohibit)
59. 责备blame( denounce, criticize)
60. 污染pollute (contaminate, stain(使变脏))
61. 腐蚀erode(wear away, corrode)