

C. a habit is a terrible thing we can never change

D. we can easily change a bad habit

30.According to the passage,if you want to give up your bad habit,you have to ______ .

A. talk to your family or friends

B. find out the reason behind it

C. finish your homework first

D. spend less time on the Internet

31.Which of the following is NOT a proper way to break a bad habit?______

A. Know the bad effects that bad habits have brought you.

B. Face the fact you have a bad habit and it's bad for you.

C. Reward yourself when succeeding in stopping yourself from performing the bad habit.

D. Wait until someone reminds you of the promise you've made to yourself.

32.After reading the passage,you'll know ______ .

A. how to find out your habits

B. how to change your habits

C. how to break a bad habit

D. how to develop a good habit


(an extract from Probuditi!)

Calvin waited outside Trudy's bedroom.Then it happened-a scream,a very loud scream.Calvin ran to his room and dived into bed.

He heard Mama coming down the hall.

"Did you do this?"his mother asked.Calvin looked out from under the

covers.His mother stood over him,holding a rubber spider.

"Do what?"he asked.

"You put that thing in my bed,"Trudy told him,stepping out from behind Mama.

"Don't think that just because it's your birthday you can get away with something like this,"Mama scolded (责骂).

"You do want your present,don't you?"That wiped the smile off Calvin's face."Course I do,"he said.

"Then you apologize (道歉)."

Calvin dropped his head."Sorry Trudy,"he muttered (嘟囔).

"Here,"Mama said."Happy birthday."At the breakfast table she handed Calvin an envelope.Inside were tickets to the matinee show of Lomax the Magnificent,the

world-famous magician and hypnotist."You've got two tickets there,"Mama said,"and I know someone who'd really love to go along."She smiled at Trudy.

"You don't mean here,do you?"Calvin asked,eyeing his little sister.

"Well,that would be really nice.But those tickets are yours.If you want to ask somebody-"Calvin didn't wait for his mother to finish.He rushed out of the house to cell Rodney,his pal next door,that the two of them were going to see Lomax the Magnificent.

33.Who screamed at the beginning?______

A. Calvin.

B. Calvin's sister.

C. Calvin's friend.

D. Calvin's mother.

34.Calvin apologized to Trudy ______ .

A. unwillingly

B. truly

C. happily

D. excitedly

35.Calvin received his present ______ .

A. in the kitchen

B. in his bed

C. inside the theatre

D. outside his house

36.Calvin's mother Rally wanted Calvin to ______ .

A. ask his friend to the show

B. find out what his friend thought

C. do what she thought was right

D. watch the show without his sister


