

shoulder(肩膀)so it can see you.A horse's eyes are on the sides of its head.Don't approach a horse from behind.Also,never stand behind a horse.The horse can't see you and may kick because it's scared.

When you want to ride a horse,a trainer can help you.First,he or she will clean the horse's feet and shoes to remove any rocks.Next,the trainer brushes the horse so it isn't dirty.Dirt under a saddle(马鞍)can make the horse uncomfortable.Next the trainer puts a blanket or pad on the horse's back.Then he puts on the saddle,and the horse is ready to ride!

26.Which of the following actions is dangerous?______

A. Approach a horse at the shoulder.

B. Approach a horse from behind.

C. Never stand behind a horse.

D. Never make horses scared.

27.According to the article,why should you be careful around horses?______

A. Because they are strong and pull heavy loads.

B. Because they are large and travel long distances.

C. Because they can kick or hurt you if they are scared.

D. Because they make people around them scared.

28.According to the article,what can a trainer do to help you?______

A. Help you learn how to ride.

B. Help the horse get to know you well.

C. Help you clean the saddle.

D. Help you get the horse ready to ride.


We all have habits that we want to give up.These are habits which are not good for us in some way or another.A habit is an activity that we have got used to.It's not easy to break a bad habit because we have got used to it,and it has become convenient(方便的).

We are so used to our bad habits that most of the time we even don't realize that we have them until someone points them out to us.So the first step that will lead to changing a bad habit is to accept the fact that is not good for you.

Since you know you have developed a bad habit,it's best to find out why you developed it in the first place.Find out the reason behind it,as that will help you in understanding why you're so willing to perform that act.There is nothing to feel scared of.You have to face it and then give it up.

Find out how bad habits have spoiled(糟蹋)things around you.For example,a bad habit of getting up late can destroy the schedule(时间表)of your whole day.And,if this is what you do every day,then imagine how many days it has already eaten up.Realize this and make up your mind to give it up.

An alarm(闹钟)is something that will prevent you from performing your bad habit.For example,to avoid getting up late,set an alarm and decide that you need to make a little effort to reach it to turn it off.

Tell your family and friends about your decision so that they can prevent you from performing the bad habit and also remind you of the promise you've made to yourself.

Reward yourself every time you stop yourself from performing the bad habit.This will keep you encouraged to break the bad habit and at the same time make you happy.

There are habits that people have carried with them for years and it will surely take some time to give them up.However,breaking a bad habit is a better choice than letting it grow into an addiction(瘾).Try giving up a bad habit,and feel the difference in yourself.You will be proud of yourself and I will certainly congratulate you on it.

29.From Paragraph 1,we can learn that ______ .

A. people find it difficult to break a bad habit

B. we must change all the habits we have


