

A.care about B.bring out C.help out D.have fun

(C)29.—The classroom is ________ clean ________ it was yesterday.

—Sorry,I forgot to clean it.

A.as; as B.so; as C.not so; as D.more; than

(B)30.________ it's raining,________ they expect to go to the park.

A.Although; but B.Although; /

C./; / D.But; although

(A)31.—Books are our friends.________ do you read books?

—I read books every day.

A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How song

(B)32.—I think it's very important ________ kids ________ their homework on their own.

—Yes,I agree with you.

A.for; finishing B.for; to finish

C.of; finishing D.of; to finish

(C)33.It's easy to get on (相处) well with your parents ________ you sit down and have a good talk with them.

A.because B.however C.as long as D.before

(C)34.Town Cinema has ________ seats in our town.

A.comfortable B.comfortably

C.the most comfortable D.the most comfortably

(B)35.—What do you think of the National Day Parade(国庆阅兵)?

—________ Our country is getting stronger and stronger.

A.I don't mind it. B.I like it a lot.

C.No problem. D.Not at all.


Most American families like to have a holiday in __36__. Summer is a good season __37__ holidays. It is very hot during(在……期间) the months of July and August. Children do not go to school during these __38__ months.

Some people __39__ staying at home during the holiday. They watch TV in the living room,work in the gardens,visit friends,__40__ books. Many families __41__ their lunch to a park or somewhere far from the city. They like to eat in the place where the air is very __42__ with many trees or a nice lake. If they live near the sea,they often go to the __43__. They can fish,swim or enjoy the sun there.

Many families travel in their __44__ to see interesting places. They drive everywhere. They also travel by plane to a foreign country. These years more and more American people come to China for vacations. Of course they can buy many things more __45__ in China than in their own country.

(B)36.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

(C)37.A.to B.of C.for D.about

(B)38.A.one B.two C.three D.four

(A)39.A.enjoy B.dislike C.mind D.want

(D)40.A.see B.watch C.look D.read

(A)41.A.take B.bring C.send D.buy



