

eliminate 消除

expand 扩大,推广

execute 实行,实施

integrate 使结合,使一体化

sponsor 主办

operate 操作

operating the fax and duplicators 操作传真机和打印机

supervise 监督,管理

work overtime=be on overtime 加班

basicexpressions 基本句型表达


1)do you have any work experience in this field? 你有这个行业的工作经验吗?

2)what kind of jobs have you had? 你做过哪些工作?

3)what?s your responsibility at your present work unit? 现在这个单位你负责什么工作?

4)please tell me about your working experience. 能告诉我你的工作经验吗?

5)have you ever been employed? 你被雇佣过吗?

6)what kind of job are you doing now? 你现在做什么工作?

7)do you have any work experience in this field? 你有没有这方面的工作经验?

8)do you have any work history in this field? 你有没有做过这方面的工作?

9)do you have any occupational history in this field? 你有没有做过这方面的工作?

10)do you have any specific experience in this field? 你有没有具体做过这方面的工作?

11)what have you learned from the jobs you have had? 你从过去的工

第8页/ 共15页

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