

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

How to Prepare Tables & Figures

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

Significance of Table & FigureA good table or figure is worth 1000 words. Good figures and tables in a paper look like something for shop window.

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

As we know that academic writing often uses tables and figures to present information or research results together with a verbal account, which are also named as illustration or

illustrative material.

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

OutlineⅠ. Definition and function of a table and a figure Ⅱ. Format of a table or a figure Ⅲ. Principles for preparing tables and figures

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

What is a “Table” ?A table contains data given in tabular form or it is a set of facts or figures systematically displayed in rows or columns.

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

What is a “Figure” ?Figure, also called graphic representation, is the general name of any other type of illustrative materials such as a graph, a chart, a diagram or a photograph, a map and computer printouts, etc..

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

How many types of figures ?1. Line graph 2. Bar graph (曲线图) (条状图/直方图)

3. Pie diagram / pie chart (饼状图) 4. Tree diagram (树状图)

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

Sample of a Line Graph100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 第一季度 第二季度 第三季度 第四季度

东部 西部 北部

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

Sample of a Bar GraphStage 1: Establishing a context Stage 2: Reviewing previous research Stage 3: Stating the problems Stage 4: Stating the purpose of the study Stage 5: Justifying the significance of your study Fig. A Framework of an Introduction in the thesis

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

Sample of a Pie Diagram

第一季度 第二季度 第三季度 第四季度

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

Sample of a Tree Diagram sNP AUX V P VP PP NP




go to


Fig. A Structural Description of a Sentence in the Form of a Tree Diagram

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

What are the functions of tables & figures?Tables & figures can present information more clearly by revealing complex relationship in a simple way. Tables & figures can enable readers understand patterns more effectively and economically than a verbal account alone.

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

Format of a table / figureA. label (or number) B. caption (or title) C. body D. source E. footnote (序号) (标题) (图表主体) (材料来源) (附注/说明)

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

Principles for preparing tables and figuresA. Content B. Location C. Numbering D. Caption E. Source F. Footnote G. Cross-reference (参见) and comments (说 明文字)

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A. ContentThe information in a table or figure should be self-sufficient and be understood independently.

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

B. LocationPlace tables or figures as close as possible to the discussion of the fact or data. Large tables or figures can be placed on a separate page or part (e.g. in the appendix).

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

C. NumberingTables or figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals (seldom Roman ones). Tables or figures may be numbered consecutively through the paper. Sometimes they may be double-numbered by chapter (e.g. Table 3.2) If some tables and figures appear in the same paper, they should be numbered separately within their own order.

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

D. CaptionEach table or figure must have a caption in a for

m of a descriptive phrase. The caption of a table should be placed above the table beginning with the word “Table …”, while the Table caption of a figure often appears below the figure beginning with the word “Figure … ”or “Fig. …”. The caption may be in all capital letters or with capital letters used only for the first letter of main words.

英语专业学生学术论文写作手册 详细介绍了英语专业本科生毕业论文的撰写规范和技巧。脉络清晰,结构完整:按毕业论文的具体写作步骤安排各个章节的内容。

Sample of a Good Table CaptionWhich one is more clearly?Table 3.2 The Results of Tests Table 3.2 Differences in Test Score on CET4 between Group A & Group B


