3.3 粉煤灰对ASR 膨胀的抑制是粉煤灰综合效应的体现,不同粉煤灰抑制ASR 膨胀能力的差异不能简单归结为某一特定品质指标的不同,特别是品质指标绝对值及其差别不大时。参考文献:
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Effect of the characteristics of fly ash on the ability to suppress AS R expansion
LU Du you,LI U Heng,LU Yi nong,XU Zhong zi
(College of Materials Science and Engineering,Nanjing Universi ty of Technology,Nanjing 210009,China)
Abstract:The suppressing effect on ASR expansion and the characteristics of four kinds of fly ashes,including chemical constituents,mineral constituents,particle morphology and size distribution,were studied.The relationship between the charac teristics of fly ashes and their ability against ASR e xpansion was discussed.Results showed that class F fly ash is superior to class C fly ash in suppressing ASR expansion.The same characteristic of different types of fly ashes may have different influences on the ability to suppress ASR expansion,and the difference in the ability to c ontrol ASR expansion of various types fly ashes can not be attributed to the difference of one certain characteristic,especially when the absolute content and the differences are not large enough.
Key words:alkali silica reaction (ASR);expansion;fly ash;particle size distribution;CaO;alkali content
第3期卢都友等:粉煤灰品质与抑制ASR 膨胀的能力
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