



This paper in order to satisfy logistics companies to lower costs, improve the service quality demand, plan design a set of logistics company information management system. The system will have the login screen management, logistics information management, enterprise information management, vehicle information management, cargo information management, and other functions.

East rhyme logistics information management system will be divided between the internal management system and external browsing inquires the system. Internal management major is an internal company personnel, will have the logistics, enterprises, vehicles, such as information management authority goods. External browsing inquires the part mainly user-oriented function, in order to offer users the query of orders.

The entire system will be based on software engineering theory, the entire development process is divided into problem definition, needs analysis, overall design, detailed design, realization and test five stages. Can choose for JSP Server, choose Tomcat SOL Server 2000 is backend database, and using the development kit 1.4.2 JDK pages. In the whole system development mode JavaBean in database and page, is responsible for between data processing.

基于web的物流公司管理系统的设计与实现论文(2).doc 将本文的Word文档下载到电脑




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