英语 模联
现在又两个重新排列解决草案的动议。主席认为应对1.2,1.3,1.1 这个动议先通票。如果两个动议都未能通过,我们将按原有编号顺序表决。
13. Roll Call Voting 唱名投票
Moderator: Are there any points or motions on the floor? UK. 主席:场下有无问题或动议?英国。
UK:UK motions for Roll Call Voting.
Moderator: This motion is in order. Is there a second? Now we have to vote. This is a procedural voting and requires a simple majority to pass. Those in favor, please raise your placards; those against? ...... This motion passes.
主席:现在英国代表动议唱名投票。请问场下有无赞成?下面我们进行投票,此为程序性投票,需简单多数通过。支持本动议的代表请举牌,反对本动议的代表请举牌。 本动议获得通过。
Moderator: Now we’ll proceed to vote. The door will be closed and no one is allowed to enter or exit. As we are having a roll call voting, the Rapporteur will call the country names in alphabetic order, and delegates please answer ‘yes’ , ‘no’, ‘abstain’ or ‘pass’ then your country’s name is called. Countries voting ‘pass’ during the first round should vote