高职高专实用英语教程教案Unit 6


高职高专实用英语教程教案Unit 6

Unit 6 Hobbies

Lecturer: Cai Jie

Students (Ss) will be able to:

Have a deeper understanding about different shopping behavior of men and women. Mastering the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.

How to talk about one’s hobbies.

Master the Grammar of Tenses

Translating skill:Translation of Tenses

Writing and replying to Invitation Letters.

Vocabulary: enrich, be crazy about doing, assistant, in stock, promptly, proceeds, lightly,

substitute, persuade, patience, opposite, companion, in advance, to one’s satisfaction, base…on / upon, in every respect, make up one’s mind, strength, exactly, poverty, go back to liquid, estate, suffer from, be equal to, before long etc.

How to talk about one’s hobbies.

Master of the grammar of Tenses

Explanation Group discussion Questions and answers Multi-media Performance

st1. Warming up for the new class:

What do you enjoy doing the most?

Are your hobbies good for your work or health? Try to explain.

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