

Getting started with Talend Open StudioLaunching Talend Open Studio

2.2.1How to access one or multiple Repositories

On Talend Open Studio login window, you can connect to one or several local repositories where you store the data for all your projects, including Jobs and business models, metadata, routines, etc. How to connect to a local repository

To connect to a local repository, do the following:

On the login window of Talend Open Studio, click the three-dot button to proceed to

the next step and set the connection information.

if you have already set your user name and connection details, you can directly

select the relevant entry from the Repository list.

If needed, type in a name and a description for your connection in the relevant fields.

In the User E-mail field, type in the email address that will be used as your user login.

This field is compulsory to be able to use Talend Open Studio.

Be aware that the email entered is never used for another purpose other than logging in.

If needed, click the plus [+] button in the lower left corner and set the connection

information to add as many connections as needed.

By default, the Workspace field shows the path to the current workspace directory

which contains all of the folders belonging to the project created.

You can still modify this path or indicate the access path to another workspace by

clicking the three-dot button next to the field.

10Talend Open Studio

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