中级宏观经济学模拟试题 8
1、(15 points) what are GDP, nominal GDP, real GDP, Potential GDP, and what are linkages among them?
2、(20 points) The following equations describe an economy.
C 0.8(1 t)yt 0.25I 900 50iG 800L 0.25Y 62.5iM/P 500
1) What are the equilibrium levels of income and the interest rate? 2) Suppose government spending increases from 800 to 1000, what is the required policy mix to tackle crowding out? 3、(20 points) look at the right hand side picture, and answer following questions 1) What can we learn from this picture? And what is the theory underlying this phenomena?
2) Based on this picture, some people argue that it is the monetary authority who produce inflation. Please comment.