第十五届外研社杯辩论赛 辩题集锦(2)
第十五届外研社杯辩论赛 辩题集锦
Round 4: China should allow international adoption to homosexual couples whose union is legally recognized in their home jurisdiction.
第4轮: 若外国同性恋夫妇的婚姻关系被其本国法律认可,则中国应允许他们领养中国的孩子。
Round 5: The Arab League should take the lead in promoting regime change in Libya
Round 6: China should provide financial incentives to rural families who bear and raise daughters.
Round 7: China should require all foreign direct investment projects in Africa to hire least 50% of their workforce locally.
Round 8: Contestants who have undergone cosmetic surgery should be prohibited from competing in beauty pageant.
Octofinals: The United States was justified in violating Pakistan’s sovereignty to assassinate Osama Bin Laden.
八分之一决赛:美国在侵犯巴基斯坦主权的基础上刺杀奥萨马 本 拉登这一行动是合理的。
Quarterfinals: The Chinese government should require corporations to provide compensation to families of employees who commit suicide.
四分之一决赛:中国政府应要求公司为自杀员工的家庭提供补偿。 Semifinals #1: China should establish an inheritance tax on the rich intended to prevent the transference of wealth between generations.
半决赛第一场:中国应对富人征收遗产税,以防止后代继承财富。 Semifinals #2: Chinese local governments should abolish housing purchase