


4. Make them feel special. 让她们感到很特别。

Girls like it when you're forward but not in a creepy way. Smile at her in a way that's clear, friendly, and/or playful. If you feel compelled to honesty, you can offer a sincere compliment. For example, you could say "Did anyone ever tell you that you have a beautiful smile?" Eyes are another good one--they're not the easiest thing to notice, and it shows you were looking at her face. Select something good that is reserved for her only; it will make her feel wonderfully special, admired, and beautiful.


5. Be a gentleman. 做一个绅士。

Girls love guys that are polite and courteous. It's just a matter of doing simple things like holding doors open for them and being respectful in other ways. Some claim chivalry is dead, but if you believe that, then you're going to have some problems getting a girl's interest. 女生们喜欢那些彬彬有礼的男生。做到这一点也很简单——帮她们开门或者以礼相待。某些骑士时代的礼节已经过时,如果你坚持使用,这会让她们感到很诡异,反而会弄巧成拙。

6. Make her laugh. 逗她开心。

Being funny is one of the most attractive qualities a guy can have, and if you're not "handsome", a girl will usually overlook that! If you're not goofy but you have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor, use that. Just watch your timing and try not to be too goofy, or you may make a fool of yourself. It's okay to tease her a little, but generally not about her appearance.


7. Notice when you're having a conversation and she seems uncomfortable, change the subject. 注意碰到女生不喜欢的话题时,要转换话题。

Watch her movements, if she's shifting her weight a lot and not making eye contact, chances are she's uncomfortable.


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