of talking, with its own kind of grammar and conventions.
Take LOL. Itdoesn’t actuallymean “laughing outloud” in a literalsense anymore. LOL has evolved into something much subtler and sophisticatedand is used even when nothing is remotely amusing. Jocelyn texts “Where haveyou been?” andAnnabelle texts back ,LOL at the library studying for two hours.” LOL signalsbasic empath)’(同感)betweentcxters. easing tension and creating a sense of equality. Instead of having aliteral meaning, it docs something - conveying an attitude — just likethe -cd ending conveys past tense rather than “meaning.,anything. LOL. of all things, isgrammar.
Of course noone thinks about that consciously. But then most of communication operateswithout being noticed. Over time, the meaning of a word or an expression driftsmeat used to mean any kind of food, silly used to mean, believe it or not,blessed.
Civilization,then,isfine 一 people banging away on their smartphones arefluently using a code separate from the one they use in actual writing, andthere is no evidence that texting is ruining composition skills. Worldwidepeople speak differently from the w ay they write, and texting -quick, casualand only intended to be read once — is actually a way of talking with yourfingers.
56. What docritics say about texting?
A) It is mainlyconfined to youngsters
B) It competeswith traditional writing.
C) It willruin the wnttcn language.
D) It isoften hard to understand.
57. In what waydoes the author say writing is different from talking?
A) It is craftedwith specific skills.
C) It doesnot have as long a history.
B) It expressesideas more accuratcly.
D) It is notas easy to comprehend.
58. Why is LOLmuch used in tcxting?
A) It bringstextcrs closer to each other.
B) It shows thetcxtcr's sophistication.
C) It is atrendy way to communicate
D) It adds tothe humor of the text
59. Examples likemeat and silly are cited to show
A) thedifTerencc between writing and talking