第29卷 第21期 中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报 Vol.29 No.21 Jul. 25, 2009 8 2009年7月25日 Proceedings of the CSEE ©2009 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng. (2009) 21-0008-06 中图分类号:TM 315;TM 464 文献标志码:A 学科分类号:470 40 文章编号:0258-8013
(浙江大学电气学院,浙江省 杭州市 310027)
Control Strategy for Direct-drive Wind Generation Grid Side Converter
Based on Carrier Phase Shifting Parallel
YANG En-xing, QIU Zhi-ling, CHEN Guo-zhu, LÜ Zheng-yu
(College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang Province, China)
ABSTRACT: Direct-drive wind generation system needs full-scale power converters,the grid side one of which requires low output total harmonic distortion, broad grid voltage working range, high reliability and fast dynamic response. However, converters adopting single unit power semiconductor cannot meet system requirements due to low switching frequency and high power dissipation of recent power semiconductor devices. A converter based on the carrier phase shifting parallel technology was adopted. It improved system performance by enhancing system redundancy, heightening equivalent switching frequency and sampling frequency controlled by output current, reducing voltage drop on output filtering inductor and implementing a faster dynamic response. Aiming for the problem of circulating current, a novel control strategy that inserted a circulating control loop in addition to the total output current loop and thus significantly suppressed circulating current while ameliorates system dynamic performance was proposed based on analysis of the equivalent mathematical system model. Simulation and experimental results indicate that the control strategy is feasible and effective.
KEY WORDS: carrier phase shifting parallel; circulation current; power converter; direct-drive wind generation 摘要:直驱风力发电变流器需要全功率变流器,其网侧变流器设计要求低谐波输出、宽电压工作范围、高可靠性及快速的动态响应能力。受现有功率器件及其开关频率、发热等条件制约,采用单模块的变流器难以满足系统要求,因此采用载波移相并联作为并网变流器,使系统冗余性增强、输出电流控制的等效开关频率和采样频率都得到了提高,输出滤波
电感的压降减小,提高了系统动态响应能力。针对载波移相并联变流器的环流问题,通过对载波移相并联系统环流数学模型的分析,提出了一种可以有效抑制环流同时改善系统动态性能的总电流输出外环加环流控制环的控制策略。仿真和实验结果验证了所提控制方案的可行性和有效性。 关键词:载波相移;环流;变流器;直驱风力发电
0 引言
轮箱得到了越来越多的关注,其变流器容量要求和发电机功率相当。在当前应用较多的690 V系统中,变流器输出电流很大,在滤波电感上会产生较大的基波压降,对直流母线电压要求较高。若采用单模块系统,由于当前大功率器件开关频率较低,很难在满足较小的输出滤波电感压降即较小滤波电感值的同时又有较高的开关纹波衰减;同时,在数字控制中,开关频率低则相应的采样频率也随之降低,采样对系统引入了较大的延时,这不但会降低系统带宽,甚至会造成系统难于稳定。
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