城市的人连邻居都不一定打招呼,更别说和陌生人聊天了,哪像镇上的人,几乎每个人都很熟,都是好朋友,可以一起出去玩。 Urban people even refuse to say hello to their neighbors, not to mention chatting with strangers, unlike people in the town who are acquaintances and good friends of each other and are ready to play together.
Students who try their best to get high scores just want to show their ability, to acquire admiration from others, and, what’s more important, to master as much knowledge as possible for the future development. I am wondering why there could be such people as cast doubts on the advantages of pursuing high scores. 经常去比博物馆既可以学到很多知识,有利事业,又可以放松心情,有利健康。
We can both acquire more knowledge, which is beneficial to our career, and become relaxed, which is beneficial to our health, if we often visit museums.
难道在小公司工作就没有好处吗?我相信答案是肯定的! Aren’t there any benefits of working in small companies? I believe the answer will definitely be yes.