accessibilitystandards that can be met withsupplies or services that are available in the commercial marketplace in time to meet the agency’s delivery requirements.
(2) The requiring official must document in writing thenonavailability, including a description of market researchperformed and which standards cannot be met, and providedocumentation to the contracting officer for inclusion in thecontract file.
C. 本章节中例外条目(取自39.204 Exceptions.)
The requirements in 39.203 do not apply to EIT that—
(a) Is purchased in accordance with Subpart 13.2 (micropurchases) prior to April 1, 2005. However, for micro-purchases, contracting officers and other individuals designated in accordance with 1.603-3 are strongly encouraged to comply with the applicable accessibility standards to the maximum extent practicable;
(b) Is for a national security system;
(c) Is acquired by a contractor incidental to a contract;
(d) Is located in spaces frequented only by service personnel for maintenance, repair or occasional monitoring of equipment; or
(e) Would impose an undue burden on the agency.
c 保存地点处于一般只有工作人员来维修相关的设施
e 可能给代理机构造成额外的预算