

A. Mr. King taught them to play soccer B. they didn't like swimming at all

C. they were afraid of water D. Mr. King was a poor coach

30. Mr. King _____, so he dr ew a red line below the knee of each child.

A. didn't want the children to swim

B. wanted to make the children look funny

C. wanted to make the children happy

D. wanted to help the children swim better

【主旨大意】Mr. King由于上班经常迟到,被工厂的老板解聘了。在朋友的帮助下找了一份游泳教练的工作,可是,他不是一名好教练。

26. D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的He liked playing soccer and spent much time on it, so he was sometimes late for work. His boss was so angry that he fired Mr. King.可以得知“老板解聘他是因为经常迟到”。

27. B 细节理解题。由Finally he got into trouble and lived a difficult life.可知“他过着艰苦的生活”。

28. B 细节理解题。根据One of his friends felt sorry for turn and introduced him to a headmaster可知“是朋友帮助他的”。

29. D 推理判断题。根据He wasn't a good coach. Two months later, the children learned nothing. Few of them could swim.可以判断“Mr. King是一个很糟糕的教练”。

30. A 推理判断题。由 文章中的Mr. King failed to stop them. Before they started, he drew a red line below the knee of each child.可以判断“Mr. King不想让孩子们游泳”。


2011 is a special year all the people in Shenzhen. The 26th World Universiade will be held in the city from August 12th to 23rd.

As we all know, "Start Here'' is the slogan of this great event. Does anyone know that a new life of two giant pandas will start here as well?

Shenzhen is expecting the pair of pandas for the Summer Univcrsiade. The pandas, a male and a female from Wolong Panda Research Center in Sichuan Province, will be "Universiade Pandas", just like "Asian Games Pandas" and "Olympic Pandas".

Shenzhen Safari Park will rebuild its panda house to welcome the pandas. The panda house has been empty since another panda, Yongba, 25. was returned to Sichuan in 2009 because it was too old.

How old are the Universiade Pandas? What are their names? What are they like? What are their living habits? We will find out the answers in June when they arrive.

31. The 26th World Universadc will begin on .

A. August 12th B. August 23rd C. September 12th D. September 23rd

32. The pair of pandas comes from .

A. Shenzhen B. Sichuan C. Guangzhou D. Beijing

33. Yongba is a(n) .

A. Universi ade Panda B. Asian Games Panda

C. Olympic Panda D. panda that used to live in Shenzhen Sal at Park

34. From the passage we can know the __ of the Universiade Pandas.

A. arrival time B. ages C. names D. living habits


