

【解析】就进原则与by oneself的用法。介词with后的谓语动词应和它前面的主语he一致,故A ,D错。by oneself是“独自”的意思。故选择B。

【2011广东深圳】7, — Do you often go swimming_____ Sunday mornings?

— Yes. Why not _____with me this Sunday?

A. on, go B. in; to go C. on; going D. in going


【解析】介词on与Why not的用法。在某一天,或某天某段时间用介词on,Why not do sh.?指“为什么不做某事”,do前是省略to的不定式。故选择A。

【2011广东深圳】8. — Must I return the book this week?

— No, you ____. You can _ it for 20 days.

A. mustn't: keep B. needn't; borrow C. needn't; keep D. mustn't; borrow


【解析】must回答与延续性动词的用法。Must开头的一般疑问句的否定回答用“ needn’t”, 由答语for短语指一段时间,故用延续性动词,borrow为短暂性动词,要换成延续性动词keep。

【2011广东深圳】9. — The doctor told me____ too much but I find it difficult. — The doctor is right. The less you drink, ______ you will be.

A. don't drink; the healthier B. not to drink; the healthier

C. not to drink; the more healthier D. don't drink; healthier


【解析】不定式与the+比较级的用法。tell sb. not to do sth.表示“告诉某人不要做某事”,“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越 ,越 ”。故选择B。

【2011广东深圳】10. - When should I hand in my paper?

— Your paper must _ as soon as the bell_ .

A. hand in; rings B. hand in; will ring

C. be handed in; will ring D. be handed in: rings


【解析】被动语态与as soon as的用法。paper作主语 (为“交卷”的承受者),故要用被动语态,as soon as表示“一 就 ”,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。故选择D。

【2011广东深圳】11. — Mr. Lee _ to a student when I entered the classroom this morning. - He is very patient _ _he is young.

A. talking; but B. talks; though C. was talking, though D. talked, however


【解析】过去进行时与though的用法。由when I entered判断前半句为过去的动词(过去进行时),故A,B错,根据题意表达的是“尽管他年轻,但是很有耐心。故选择C。

【2011广东深圳】12. — _____ Rose ____ Jack watched Prince William's wedding on TV yesterday.

— What a pity! They misses the exciting moment.

A. Both, and B. Not only; but also C, Either; or D. Neither, nor



