Don&39;t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgment(4)
Thus the trouble is that stereotypes make us mentally lazy. As S.I. Hayakawa, the authority on semantics, has written: "The danger of stereotypes lies not in their existence, but in the fact that they become for all people some of the time, and for some people all the time, substitutes for observation."
Worse yet, stereotypes get in the way of our judgment, even when we do observe the world. Someone who has formed rigid pre-conceptions of all Latins as "excitable,容易激动" or all teenagers as "wild," doesn’t alter his point of view when he meets a calm and deliberate Genoese, or a serious-minded high school student. He brushes them aside as "exceptions that prove the rule." And, of course, if he meets someone true to type, he stands triumphantly vindicated. "They’re all like that," he proclaims, having encountered an excited Latin, an ill-behaved adolescent.
Hence, quite aside from the injustice which stereotypes do to others, they impoverish削弱 剥夺 ourselves. A person who lumps the world into simple categories, who type-casts all labor leaders as "racketeers,非法 剥削 " all businessmen as "reactionaries,反动派" all Harvard men as "snobs,自命不凡者" and all Frenchmen as "sexy," is in danger of becoming a stereotype himself. He loses his capacity to be himself—which is to say, to see the world in his own absolutely unique, inimitable不可效仿的 and independent fashion.
Instead, he votes for the man who fits his standardized picture of what a candidate "should" look like or sound like, buys the goods that someone in his "situation" in life "should" own, lives the life that others define for him. The mark of the stereotyped person is that he never surprises us, that we do indeed have him "typed." And no one fits this strait-jacket so perfectly as someone whose opinions about other people are fixed and inflexible.
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