Don&39;t Let Stereotypes Warp Your Judgment


Don’t Let Stereotypes 惯性思维 套路Warp Your Judgments

Robert L. Heilbroner


Is a girl called Gloria apt to be better-looking than one called Bertha? Are criminals more likely to be dark than blond浅? Can you tell a good deal about someone’s personality from hearing his voice briefly over the phone? Can a person’s nationality be pretty accurately guessed from his photograph? Does the fact that someone wears glasses imply that he is intelligent?

The answer to all these questions is obviously, "No."



Yet, from all the evidence at hand, most of us believe these things. Ask any college boy if he’d rather take his chances with a Gloria or a Bertha, or ask a college girl if she’d rather blind-date a Richard or a Cuthbert. In fact, you don’t have to ask: college students in questionnaires have revealed that names conjure up the same images in their minds as they do in yours—and for as little reason.

然而,从掌握的证据来看,我们大多数人却是相信这些说法的。不信可以问任何一位大学男生他更愿意和Gloria还是Bertha待在一起,或者问位女大学生她更愿意和Richard 还是Cuthbert见面。事实上根本不需要去问,接受调查的学生已经表明名字总是会毫无缘由的和某种形象联系在一起。

Look into the favorite suspects of persons who report "suspicious characters" and you will find a large percentage of them to be "swarthy"深 or "dark and foreign-looking"—despite the testimony of criminologists that criminals do not tend to be dark, foreign or "wild-eyed." Delve仔细检阅 into the main asset of a telephone stock swindler欺诈 and you will find it to be a marvelously confidence-inspiring telephone "personality." And whereas we all think we know what an Italian or a Swede looks like, it is the sad fact that when a group of Nebraska students sought to match faces and nationalities of 15 European countries, they were scored wrong in 93 percent of their identifications. Finally, for all the fact that horn-rimmed glasses have now become the standard television sign of an "intellectual," optometrists know that the main thing that distinguishes people with glasses is just bad eyes.


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