Application status records of year-end physical inventory List and physical inventory card 年終盤點卡與清冊使用-狀況明細表 Blank and waste sheet NO. 空白與作廢單號 plate電鍍 mold成型
material for engineering mold testing工程試模材料
not included in physical inventory不列入盤點 sample樣品
incoming material to be inspected進貨待驗 description品名 steel/rolled steel鋼材 Material statistics sheet 物料統計明細表
meeting minutes會議記錄 meeting type 會冸
distribution department分發單位 location地點 chairman主席
present members出席人員 subject主題 conclusion結論 decision items決議事項 responsible department負責單位 pre-fixed finishing date預定完成日
approved by / checked by / prepared by核準/審核/承辦
PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE組裝廠生產排配表 model機鍾 work order工令 revision版次 remark備注
production control confirmation生產確認 checked by初審 approved by核準
department部門 stock age analysis sheet 庫存貨齡分析表
on-hand inventory現有庫存 available material良品可使用 obsolete material良品已呆滯 to be inspected or reworked 待驗或重工 total合計
cause description原因說明 part number/ P/N 料號 type形態
item/group/class類冸 quality品質 prepared by制表 notes說明
Year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年終盤點差異分析表 physical inventory盤點數量 physical count quantity帳面數量 difference quantity差異量 cause analysis原因分析 raw materials原料 materials物料 finished product成品 semi-finished product半成品 packing materials包材
good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品
defective product/non-good parts不良品 disposed goods處理品 warehouse/hub倉庫 on way location在途倉 oversea location海外倉
spare parts physical inventory list備品盤點清單
spare molds location模具備品倉 skid/pallet棧板 tox machine自鉚機