Terrain feature identification by modeling radar image stati


In this paper we propose a new statistical model for SAR images. According to this model, the SAR image amplitude follows a product of Rayleigh and Bessel functions. We derive the maximum likelihood feature detector for extracting terrain features from Syn

In this paper we propose a new statistical model for SAR images. According to this model, the SAR image amplitude follows a product of Rayleigh and Bessel functions. We derive the maximum likelihood feature detector for extracting terrain features from Syn

In this paper we propose a new statistical model for SAR images. According to this model, the SAR image amplitude follows a product of Rayleigh and Bessel functions. We derive the maximum likelihood feature detector for extracting terrain features from Syn

In this paper we propose a new statistical model for SAR images. According to this model, the SAR image amplitude follows a product of Rayleigh and Bessel functions. We derive the maximum likelihood feature detector for extracting terrain features from Syn

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