庄子 英文介绍


庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张



Zhuangzi has fascinated the Chinese mind.He Name:庄子 Chinese takes readers to undreamed of lands and stimulates them through 庄氏,名周,字子休(一作子沐) conversations of the shadow , the 别名alias:庄周、南华真人 skeleton, and the north wind.He seems to transcend the mundaneStates Period he is 国籍nationality:Warring world, yet –State always in the very depth of daily life.He of Song is quietistic, yet for him life moves on 出生地birthplace:宋国蒙(今安徽蒙城或河南 like a galloping horse.He is mystical, but also follows reason as the leading light. 商丘) Zhuang Zi was an influential Chinese 职业profession:philosopher, thinkers, writers philosopher .代表作品works:《Zhuang Zi》

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

庄子运用浪漫的想象 力和美妙的文笔,通 过对梦中变化为蝴蝶 和梦醒后蝴蝶复化为 己的事件的描述与探 讨,提出了人不可能 确切的区分真实与虚 幻和生死物化的观点。

One day at sunset,Zhuangzi dozed off and dreamed that he turned into a butterfly.He flapped his wings and was sure enough he was a butterfly ( ⊙ o ⊙ ) ! What a joyful feeling he had as fluttered about~\(≧▽≦)/~ .He completely forgot that he was ZhuangZi.Soon he realized that that proud butterfly was really ZhuangZi who dreamed he was a butterfly,Or was it a butterfly who dreamed he was ZhuangZi?Maybe the butterfly was ZhuangZi?This is what is meant by the “transformation of things”

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

This hints at many questions in the philosophy of mind,philosophy of language,and epistemology.The name of the passage has become a common Chinese idiom,and has spread into Weatern language as well.It appears,inter alia,as an illustration in Jorge Luis Borges’ famous essay”A New Refutation of Time”,and may have inspired H.P.Lovecraft’s 1918 short story “Polaris”,It also appears in Victor Pelevin’s philosophical novel Buddha’s Little Finger Zhuangzi’s philosophy was very influential in the development of Chinese Buddhism,especially Chan(also known as Zen.)

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

Zhuangzi:And you are not me how do you know I don’t know the fish are happy? (ˇ ˇ)

One day zhuangzi and huizi are Zhuangzi:look,when you asked strolling on the hao bridge. were me how I knew the fish happy,you already knew that I knew the fish were happy.i knew it form my feelings standing on this bridge. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Zhuangzi:look how happy the fish are just swimming around Huizi:……………… in the river.! o(≧v≦)o~~ Huizi:of course I am not you,and I don’t know what you think;but I do know that you’re not a fish ;and so you couldn’t possibly know the dish are happy. (+﹏+)~

Huizi:how do you know they are happy?you are not a fish. ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

Zhuangzi’s subjectivism is balanced by a kind of senstive holism in the conclusion of “The Happiness of Fish”. 这篇寓言是中国古代一 场著名的辩论,带有浓 厚

的哲学意味。 惠施的观点是,人只能 自知,不能他知;而庄 子的观点则是,人既可 自知,又能感知其他事 物。

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

Zhuangzi’s philosophy:

一、人与自然的关系 1)天人合一 “天地与我并生,万物与我为一。”(《庄子·齐物论》) 2)“无以人灭天” “天地有大美而不言,四时有明法而不议,万物有成理而不 说。”(《庄子·知北游》) 二、人类认识的两大局限 1)生于死 “予恶乎知说生之非惑邪?予恶乎知恶死之非惑邪?” 2)物与我 “民湿寝则腰宿疾死,鰌然乎哉?木处则惴慄怐懼,猴然乎 哉?” 三、人生论 庄子十分重视个性的自由和人格的尊严,“凫胫虽短,续之 则忧;鹤胫虽长,断之则悲”。对于统治者,庄子表现出了 不合作的态度,宁愿“曳尾于涂”,也不愿入世做官。在他 看来,勉强地为统治者服务,做有违自己心灵的事情,就好 比给野鸭续腿,给白鹤断足,都是违背自然的,是不会得到 幸福的。 另外,庄子也讲求全身养生,讲求善于回避矛盾,“虽富贵 不以养伤身,虽贫贱不以利累形。”

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

总的来说,庄子的哲学思想对我们当代人 有很好的启示作用。 他主张人与自然合一,反对人为物役,对 生死名利具有豁达情怀,以超功利的自由 境界为人生理想等,都对今天的人们有启 示和借鉴意义。 在他的著作中体现出的自由逍遥的精神风 骨,敢于问天的求索精神,遵循规律的理 性意识,不为物累的超然品格以及从内在 精神上保持自由的独立人格等对我们当代 大学生理想人格的塑造、心理素质的培养 也有相当重要的意义。 另外,他旷达超远的处世原则和游世的思 想也使我们能够对现实社会既保持清醒认 识又与之保持适当距离,即居尘而出尘, 入乎其内又出乎其外,抛弃虚名浮利,以 出世的态度入世;当濒临困境的时候,他 挃引我们寻找一条解脱之路,即超然世外 的精神状态和了无牵挂、无欲无求的平静 心态。

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

庄子生平 事迹 思想主张

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