特速集团 2008年报


特速集团 2008年报

特速集团 2008年报

2 Corporate Information

3 Chairman's Statement

10 Management Discussion and Analysis

14 Directors and Management Profile

18 Report of the Directors


30 Corporate Governance Report

34 Independent Auditors' Report

36 Consolidated Income Statement

37 Balance Sheets

39 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

42 Consolidated Statement of

Changes in Equity

44 Notes to the Financial Statements

158 Financial Summary

159 Particulars of Major Properties

特速集团 2008年报

X p r e s s G r o u p L i m i t e d • 特速集團有限公司

Corporate information


BoarD of DireCtorS

Chan Heng Fai (Managing Chairman)Chan Tong Wan (Managing Director)Chan Tung Moe (Chief Executive Officer)Chan Yoke Keow

Chan Sook Jin, Mary-ann Fong Kwok Jen

Wong Dor Luk, Peter Da Roza Joao Paulo Chian Yat Ping

aUDit Committee

Wong Dor Luk, Peter Da Roza Joao Paulo Chian Yat Ping

Joint CompanY SeCretarieS

Chan Suk King, Zoe Yuen Ping Man

QUaLifieD aCCoUntant

Wong Shui Yeung


Grant Thornton

Certified Public Accountants


Herbert Smith

prinCipaL BanKerS

American Express Bank Limited Hang Seng Bank Limited

SHare reGiStrarS

Tricor Friendly Limited 6/Floor, Tesbury Centre 8 Queen’s Road East Hong Kong

reGiStereD offiCe

5th Floor

Island Place Tower 510 King’s Road

North Point, Hong Kong


StoCK CoDe

Stock Exchange : 185Bloomberg : 185 HK Reuters




Da Roza Joao Paulo


Da Roza Joao Paulo







8 6


510 5



185 185 HK 0185.HK

特速集团 2008年报

A n n u a l R e p o r t 2008 • 二零零八年年報0 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT

主席報告I am pleased to submit to you the annual report of Xpress Group Limited (the “Company”) for the year ended 1 March 2008.FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE

The Group achieved historic highs in turnover of HK$1,4 1 million, representing an increase of HK$742 million or 108% from the corresponding period last year. Net profit amounted to HK$12.2 million, compared to HK$40.1 million for 2007. Earnings per share amounted to HK0.68 cents (2007: HK2. 5 cents).

This year, the international crude oil prices have been continuously climbing. The financial results of the travel and hospitality division was disappointing because the business was materially and adversely affected by the high price of jet fuel. On the other hand, as the US sub-prime crisis spreads, both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have lowered their estimate of the global economy growth rate for 2008. China’s increasingly tightened monetary policy and growing inflationary pressure will cause certain cost pressure and market risks to the Group.BUSINESS REVIEW

Travel Division

The travel division operates through a number of subsidiaries including:

Anglo-French Travel Pte Ltd (“Anglo-French”), a Singapore

company which focuses on corporate travel for small and medium enterprises, government statutory boards, MNCs and global companies’ leisure travel. These include land packages and tours, “MICE” (Meetings – Incentives – Conventions – Exhibitions) and wholesale agent airline ticketing businesses. Anglo-French ranked number 11 amongst 209 Billing and Settlement Plan Agents in Singapore (source: IATA). This ranking includes corporate ticketing, leisure, “MICE” and wholesale agents. During the year, Anglo-French contributed HK$627.8 million to the Group’s turnover. Nihon Kotsu Travel Service Co. Ltd. (“Nikko”), a Japan company 100% acquired in June 2006, was established and granted a first class travel agent license in 1962. Since then, Nikko has developed and extended its businesses including corporate travel and both domestic and overseas leisure travel. Nikko’s package tour is operated under the brand name “Try Tour” which is widely recognized as a wholesale market leader for packages to Hong Kong, Okinawa and Korea.

財務表現 1,4 1,000,000 742,000,000 108% 12,200,000 40,100,000 0.68 2. 5

業務回顧旅遊分部 Anglo-French Travel Pte Ltd Anglo-French MICE Meetings-Incentives-Conventions-Exhibitions Anglo-French 209 11 IATA MICE Anglo-

French 627,800,000

N i h o n K o t s u Tr a v e l S e r v i c e C o. L t d.




Nikko Try Tour



特速集团 2008年报

X p r e s s G r o u p L i m i t e d • 特速集團有限公司




In 200 , Nikko was incorporated as a 100% subsidiary of Nihon Kotsu Co. Ltd. and started trading as Nikko Travel Service Co. Ltd. It is now responsible for all travel related businesses formerly undertaken by Nihon Kotsu Co. Ltd. and has offices in Tokyo and Osaka.

During the year Nikko was merged with Crystal Travel Co., Ltd. (“Crystal”) and changed its name to “ …… 此处隐藏:39208字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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