

performance and various redundancy configurations, an optimal adaptation to the respective requirements of the process is achieved.

AK 1703 ACP is thus perfectly suitable for automation with integrated telecontrol technology as:

Telecontrol substation or central device

Automation unit with autonomous functional groups

Data node, station control device, front-end or gateway

With local or remote peripherals

For rear panel installation or 19 inch assembly

Branch-neutral product, therefore versatile fields of application and high product stability

Versatile communication

Easy engineering

Plug & play for spare parts

Open system architecture

Scalable redundancy

The intelligent terminal - TM 1703

The Base Unit AK 1703 ACP with Peripheral Elements has one basic system element CP-2010/CPC25 (Master control element) and CP-2012/PCCE25 (Processing and communication element) ,one bus line with max. 16 peripheral elements can be connected.

CP-2010/CPC25 Features and Functions

System Functions:

Central element,coordinating all system services

Central hub function for all connected basic system elements

Time management

Central clock of the automation unit

Setting and keeping the own clock`s time with a resolution of 10ms

Synchronization via serid communication via LAN or local


Voting and change-over for redundant processing and communication elements of the own automation unit

Supports voting and change-over by an external SCA-RS redundancy switch

关于PLC的毕业设计外文翻译(9).doc 将本文的Word文档下载到电脑




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