

Supports applicational voting and change-over by an external system,e.g.a control system

SAT TOLLBOX|| connection

Storing firmware and parameters on a Flash Card


Communication via installable protocol elements to any superior or subordinate automation unit

Automatic data flow routing

Priority based data transmission (priority control)

Own circular buffer and process image for each connected station(data keeping) Redundant communication routes

Communication with redundant remote stations

Special application specific functions for dial-up traffic

Test if stations are reachable

Process Peripherals:

Transmission of spontaneous information objects from and to peripheral elements, via the serial Ax 1703 peripheral bus

Functions for Automation:

Open-/closed-loop control function for the execution of freely definable user programs which are created with CAEX plus according to IEC 61131-3,ing function diagram technology

512KB for user program

Approx 50.000 variables and signals,2.000 of them retained

Cycle of 10ms or a multiple thereof

Online test

Loadable without service interruption

Redundant open-/closed-loop control functions

Synchronization via redundancy link

Transmission of periodic process information between the open-/closed-loop control function and the peripheral elements,via the serial Ax 1703 peripheral bus.

关于PLC的毕业设计外文翻译(10).doc 将本文的Word文档下载到电脑




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