商务英语翻译 合同术语与公司简介术语与模板(8)



色泽光洁,柔软防滑lustrous, soft and antislippery

色泽清澈limpid in sight

设计合理professional design

设计新颖modern design

生意兴隆driving a roaring trade

使用方便easy to use

使用极便utmost in convenience

使用寿命长久long performance life

岁末大减价year-end bargain sale

甜而不腻agreeable sweetness

外观色泽透明 bright and translucent in appearance

外型永葆如新to ensure a like-new appearance indefinably

维修简易easy to repair

味道纯正good taste

味鲜可口agreeable to taste

物价稳定price remains stable

夏季特别大减价special summer sale

香浓可口aromatic character and agreeable taste

香气馥郁fragrant aroma

香气高雅elegant in smell

香味纯和pure and mild flavor

香味浓郁aromatic flavor; fragrant (in) flavor

性能可靠dependable performance reliable performance

性能无与伦比unequal in performance

性能优越superior performance

选材精良superior materials

选料讲究high quality materials

选料考究choice materials

沿用传统的生产方式with traditional methods

易于润滑easy to lubricate

5 用料精选carefully selected materials用料上乘selected material

优质西瓜,消暑解渴top watermelons, quell summer thirst

制作精巧skilful manufacture

制作精巧 perfect in workmanship

质量高,卫生严high standard in quality and hygiene

众所喜爱品尝之佳品delicacies loved by all

走时准确 punctual timing

最新工艺latest technology

做工讲究exquisite (in) workmanship

做工精细fine workmanship

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