1. 核心内容
文本主要内容为:作者Janet和她的两个同学Karen和Judy违反班规,在班级的黑板上乱涂乱画。她们想赶在老师Mrs. Eiffler和其他同学回来前把黑板擦干净,但是Janet的名字却怎么擦也擦不掉。
2. 写作思路
故事中主要人物为Mrs. Eiffler、作者Janet、Karen、Judy。
Karen, Judy 和Janet违反班规,在班级的黑板上乱涂乱画;她们想赶在老师和同学回教室之前擦干净黑板;Janet的名字怎么擦也擦不掉。
故事总体的发展可能是Janet最后擦掉了留在黑板上的名字,没有人知道她违反了班规,但是她自己却受到了良心的谴责。续写第一段:黑板上的内容都擦干净了,但是Janet的名字却怎么擦也擦不掉。根据后文“Mrs. Eiffler never asked about the abrasion and maybe never noticed it.”可推断,留在黑板上的名字经过一定努力后还是擦掉了,但是却对黑板造成了一定程度的磨损。续写第二段:Mrs. Eiffler从来没有问起过黑板磨损的事情,或许她也从来没有注意到。可知虽然Janet掩盖了自己违反班规的事实,却受到了自己良心的谴责。所以该段可能围绕Janet的内心活动展开。
第一段可以通过问以下问题来获取写作要点:Why couldn’t Janet’s name be erased? Did it finally come off? How did they achieve it? How did they feel in the process?第二段可以通过问以下问题来获取写作要点:Did Mrs. Eiffler find out the truth? How did Janet feel after escaping punishment? What did Janet learn from this experience?
Everything came off... But my name! I carefully looked at the white chalk I used and found it w asn’t chalk at all, but a white crayon! My stomach churned (剧烈搅动) and my knees felt weak. What would Mrs. Eiffler do to me? Hurriedly, we tried many ways. Finally my name came off all right, but in the process of removing it, we left an abrasion (磨损)on the blackboard. We were just slipping into our desks as the bell rang and the other students began entering the room. The teacher walked in soon afterward.
Mrs. Eiffler never asked about the abrasion and maybe never noticed it. But I did. Every time I walked past the marred surface of the blackboard, I remembered. Oh, how I remembered. The lesson I learned that day is one I never forgot, even though over forty years have passed since the event. “No one will ever know” is never true. Even if no one else found out, I myself knew. Sometimes living with a guilty conscience is punishment enough.