


1. Why is a firm’s demand for labor curve more inelastic when the firm has monopoly power in the output market than when the firm is producing competitively?

The firm’s demand curve for labor is determined by the incremental revenue from

hiring an additional unit of labor known as the marginal revenue product of labor:

MRPL = (MPL)(MR), the additional output (“product”) that the last worker produced,

times the additional revenue earned by selling that output. In a competitive industry,

the marginal revenue curve is perfectly elastic and equal to price. For a monopolist,

marginal revenue is downward sloping. As more labor is hired and more output is

produced, the monopolist will charge a lower price and marginal revenue will diminish.

All else the same, marginal revenue product will be smaller for the monopolist. This

implies that the marginal revenue product for the monopolist is more inelastic than for

the competitive firm.

2. Why might a labor supply curve be backward bending?

A backward-bending supply curve for labor may occur when the income effect of an

increase in the wage rate dominates the substitution effect. Labor supply decisions are

made by individuals choosing the most satisfying combination of work and other

(leisure) activities. With a larger income, the individual can afford to work fewer

hours: the income effect. As the wage rate increases, the value of leisure time (the

opportunity cost of leisure) increases, thus inducing the individual to work longer hours:

the substitution effect. Because the two effects work in opposite directions, the shape

of an individual’s labor supply curve depends on the individual’s preferences for income,

consumption, and leisure.

3. How is a computer company’s demand for computer programmers a derived demand?

A computer company’s demand for inputs, including programmers, depends on how

many computers it sells. The firm’s demand for programming labor depends on (is

derived from) the demand it faces in its market for computers. As demand for

computers shifts, the demand for programmers shifts.

4. Compare the hiring choices of a monopsonistic and a competitive employer of workers. Which will hire more workers, and which will pay the higher wages? Explain.

Since the decision to hire another worker means the monopsonist must pay a higher

wage for all workers, and not just the last worker hired, its marginal expenditure curve

lies above the input supply curve (the average expenditure curve). The monopsonist’s

profit-maximizing input demand, where the marginal expenditure curve intersects the

marginal revenue product curve, will be less than the competitor’s profit-maximizing

input choice, where the average expenditure curve intersects the demand curve. The

monopsonist hires less labor, and the wage paid will be less than in a competitive


5. Rock musicians sometimes earn over $1 million per year. Can you explain such large incomes in terms of economic rent?

Economic rent is the difference between the actual payment to the factor of production

and the minimum amount that the factor is willing to accept. In this case, you might

assume that there are a limited number of top-quality rock musicians who will continue

to play rock music no matter what they are paid. This results in a perfectly inelastic

supply curve, or something close to it. Given the high demand for rock music, the

wage will be very high and there will be a lot of economic rent. If there was a larger

supply of top-quality rock musicians, or a more elastic supply, then the economic rent

would be smaller.


6. What happens to the demand for one input when the use of a complementary input increases?

If the demand for the complementary input increases, the demand for the given input

will increase as well. When demand for the complementary input increases, there is

an increase in the quantity hired and possibly the price paid. Both of these changes

will increase the MRP of the given input, and hence will increase the quantity hired

and possibly the price paid. Whether the prices of the inputs increases depends on the

degree of monopsony power on the part of the firm.

7. For a monopsonist, what is the relationship between the supply of an input and the marginal expenditure on it?

The decision to increase employment means the monopsonist must pay all units the

higher price, and not just the last unit hired. Therefore, its marginal expenditure

curve lies above the input supply curve (the average expenditure curve). Hiring more

labor will increase the marginal expenditure, which will increase the average

expenditure. If the average expenditure is increasing, then the marginal expenditure

must be greater than the average expenditure.

8. Currently the National Football League has a system for drafting college players by which each player is picked by only one team. The player must sign with that team or not play in the league. What would happen to the wages of newly drafted and more experienced football players if the draft system were repealed, and all teams could compete for college players?

The National Football League draft and reserve clause (a primary issue in the 1987-

1988 season’s strike) creates a monopsonist cartel among the owners of NFL teams. If

the draft system were repealed, competition among teams would increase wages of

football players to the point where the marginal revenue product of each player would

be equal to the player’ …… 此处隐藏:5336字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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