乒乓球Table Tennis竞赛规则中英文介绍(7)
offences the umpire may, on the first occasion, hold up a yellow card and warn the offender that any further offence
is liable to incur penalties.
Except as provided in and, if a player who has been warned commits a second offence in the same individual match or team match, the umpire shall award 1 point to the offenders opponent and for a further offence he shall award 2 points, each time holding up a yellow and
a red card together.
Good Presentation
Players, coaches and officials shall uphold the object of good presentation of the sport; in particular players have to do their utmost to win a match and shall not withdraw
except for reasons of illness or injury.
Any player who deliberately fails to comply with these principles shall be disciplined by total or partial loss of prize money in prize events and/or by suspension from
ITTF events.
In the event of complicity proven against any adviser or official the relevant national Association is also
expected to discipline this person.