


第14卷第4期 基于胜任特征模型的人力资源开发 -595-


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Human Resource Development Based on Competency Model

Shi Kan

(Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)

Abstract: Research into Human Research Development and Management based on Competency Model has been momentum in last forty years in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management research. The author summarized the main research conducted by his work team since 1980s, about Competency constructing in different industry, and the leadership behavior related to it based on Chinese transition economy background and special cultural background. Also, since Competency Model is one of most popular practice in Human Resource Development, the author introduced the application of Competency Model in Chinese Human Resource Development and Management System practices. The suggestion for further research was discussed.

Key words: competence, Competency Model, BEI, transformational management, Human Resource Development.

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