英语:Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player课件(人教新目标八年级上)


英语年级上八niUt01 课件(教新人目)标

八级英语年上)(Uint1 0I’ mogng it boe aba sktbael pllyare.永县修燕坊学


nUit10Im ’ogingto b aeb akesballtplay reP.eirdo 1

eRisvoinWhtad oesh / seh edopo?icemanl erorpternu rse etcahr doector sngireru nern

a1compute rprgorammreprofesional sbaketbasll palyr

eD ooyu kno thews ejbos?Do oy uthnki hetesj obsa e irtnersetnig?enineges



rId rae…m

Do oyuw an to kton wwah tthyea erg oni got e bhew thnye gor uwp?

omputcer rograpmemr Sahghai

n:A :B A ::B

H ! ihaW aret yu gooig not b wheenyo ug or wp? u Im gaonigt beo camputoe prorgammerr. Where ra eouy ogin tg wook r ?I’ moing tog orw kn Shinghaa.i

ngieneesBrejingiA: B A: B: A::B: A B::Hi !Wh ta are oy gouig tonbe wh n yeu goorw u? I pa gomng to ibe…… Wh.ee raeryou g ingo o wtork ? I’ mgoing tow ro ink…… i H !hWa ts ie ghoing t oebw enh h ergwo su?pHe is oingg o te……b .herWei s he gongi ot orwk? He s ’ginog t oowkrin ……


rA :B: : AB:

iH! Waht aer ouyg oin gtob whee you gnow urp I?a m oingg otb e…… .here Wra eyou ginogt o owr ?kI’ goinm gotw ok irn……


kea asuvery

uQestions: Wath’sy or unaem ?Wat ahery u ooinggto eb hew nyou row gup ?Whreea re yo guingo o towr?k

NmeaL il yomTgoin togb et aehcr eegnnieerwher Beijeing ew YNrok……

neigeer sntuydmath vrye arhd--Wah tra eoyug ing to be whoneyo ug owr up ?-I-’ mogng tio eban ngineere --.H ow ae yorug ingot odo tha t ?- I-m ’oigg notstud ymat hvey rahd.rr

unne pracritec runinng

--Wat aher oy gouin got b ewehny ou rgo wp?u -- I’ gmoin tg boe arunne.r -- ow arH yoe ugonigt oodth t?a - -Im goi’gn ot parctiec urninnge vre yayd.

1bLitsn ane match dth itemse below1 c.mouteprprog armemra.t keaactin lesgonss2. rofpseisnaoblsaketbal plalyre3 en.ignee 4. arctorb .stdyu cmpouetrsci ecec. pnrcatic eabkesballt veryed ayd. stud ymah traely haldr


hsii tse Thla Shokwtim in AeTV! I ench garuo, pno stuednt ie stehho t(s持主)人,o thes rar etehgu ests(宾嘉) .Yuoa r etlkaing abuo t:W hatare y o ugong ti ob weehn yu ogro up? Wwy arh yeuo ogig no bt e/an…?a here aWr eyu goinog o twor? Hko wre yau ogiog to nd otat?

Wrihtea horts asspage aoutby oruelf1.sWat arheyou ogngi o tbe wen hyu growo p?u2.Were ahr eyuo oigng to wor?k3.Ho war yeo goiug tn do ohatt?

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