10. What is the woman complaining about?
A. People being too loud. B. People taking pictures with iPads.
C. The number of tourists at the beach.
11. What does the man say about iPhones?
A. They have great cameras. B. IPads take better videos than they do.
C. They should be used to make Hollywood movies.
12. What does the man suggest the woman do?
A. Get pleasure at the beach. B. Tell the tourists to stop. C. Turn off her phone.
13. What company does the man work for?
A. Apple. B. Google. C. Facebook.
14. Why does the man want to quit his job?
A. He wants to open his own restaurant. B. He doesn’t make enough money.
C. He wants to write about food.
15. How would the man make money after he quits?
A. He would sell books on his website.
B. Companies would pay him for his experiences.
C. He would work for different restaurants.
16. When might the man quit his job?
A. Tomorrow. B. Next month. C. Next year.
17. What is wrong with Taylor Swift?
A. She is sick.
A. In May.
B. She hurt herself. B. In October. C. She has a new band. C. In December. C. The one in Florida. 18. When will Taylor Swift’s July shows be held? 19. Which concert was canceled last weekend? A. The one in Canada. B. The one in Texas.
20. Who recently interviewed Taylor Swift?
A. MTV News. B. Speak Now TV. C. The official Taylor Swift website.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Smiley was born without eyes,but he is still able to work as a St.John’s Ambulance service
dog in Ontario. The dog’s owner, Jaanne George, rescued him from a puppy mill(幼犬滥育场) ,when
he was about 1or 2 years old.
“He was very scared ,because the dogs had never been out of that puppy mill, ” Georage
said ,adding that Smiley quickly boned with another one of his dogs , a deaf dog named Tyler.
“Tyler was so crazy and happy-go –lucky and Smiley became just like him, ” George said . “He
came out from under the tables where he was always hiding. ”
George said seeing Smiley interact with crowds made him realize he would be a perfect therapy
dog(治疗犬).She now brings the dog to the hospitals and the schools in the area and Smiley almost
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