The design for the preliminary design of the north city wastewater treatment plant effluent from a sewage treatment plant, requirements according to the "urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard" (GB18918-2002) of a standard B emission. Because the sewage originates is mainly the sanitary sewage, the nitrogen phosphorus content is high, from this designs needs to consider the denitrogenation eliminates the phosphorus. This factory second-level biological treatment mainly uses a2/O processing craft, the main construction is: Before the pump, the grill, promotes the pump house, the thin grill, the eddy sand collector, the advection type sedimentation pond, a2/O response pond, the spoke class type
sedimentation pond, the ultraviolet ray disinfection ditch. The sludge treatment construction includes: Gravity concentration basin, sludge dewatering engine room and so on.
The process of the wastewater plant that the wasterwater treatment plant adopted is as following:
Wastewater treatment process: middle bar screen → pump station → fin bar screen → aeration desilting tank → A/O process→ disinfection of contact pool→measurement groove → drain;
Sludge handling and disposal process: excess activated sludge → concentrated pool → sludge tank → machine dewatering → disposal of sludge cake.
Key words: sludge conditioning; A2/O craf ; Nitrogen and phosphorus removal