语言学教案Chapter 5 Meaning(6)


proposition≈ sentence meaning

Truth value: truth or false

Predicate logic (Pp 180)

p (simple proposition)

one-place connective: negation ~ or ﹁

two-place connective: conjunction &

disjunction ∨


equivalence ≡ or

Connective conjunction: similar to the English “and”

Connective disjunction: similar to the English “or”

Connective implication/conditional implication: corresponds to the English “if…then” Connective equivalence/biconditional: corresponds to “iff…then”

C.f. Antonyms & “not”

With complementary antonyms, the denial of one is the assertion of the other. With gradable, that is not necessarily the case.

E.g. John isn’t old.

John is old.

C.f. Conjunction & “and”


E.g. He missed the train and arrived late.


E.g. He arrived late and missed the train.

*He missed the train and arrived late.

C.f. Implication & “if…then”


E.g. If he is an Englishman, he speaks English.

If snow is white, grass is green.

E.g. If snow is black, grass is green.


E.g.? If snow is white, grass is green.

*If snow is black, grass is green.

In sum, propositional logic, concerned with the semantic relation between propositions, treats a simple proposition as an unanalyzed whole.

E.g. All men are rational.

Socrates is a man.

Therefore, Socrates is rational.

PREDICATE LOGIC/PREDICATE CALCCULUS studies the internal structure of simple propositions.

Question: How to analyze Socrates is a man?

Argument (主目): a term which refers to some entity about which a statement is being made

Predicate (谓词): a term which ascribes some property, or relation, to the entity, or entities, referred to

Socrates is the argument, and man is the predicate.

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