

小升初英语测试题(共 80 分)姓名____________ 年级____________ 日期__________ 分数_________

一、语音题(每题 1 分 共 5 分) ( )1.A excuse ( )2.A.house ( )3.A. Share ( )4.A.throw ( )5.A.helped B.exciting B.four B.hair B.town B.closed C. exercise C.shout C.fear D.expect D.out D.bear

C.Halloween D.follow C.asked D.washed

二、词汇题(每题 1 分 共 10 分) 1.warm 反义词_________ 3.fast 反义词___________ 5.dirty 反义词___________ 7.sheep 复数_____________ 9.she 宾格____________ 三、单行选择(每题 1 分 共 20 分) ( ) 1. -----May I put my bike here ? A.needn’t B.don’t -----No ,you ______. D.aren’t able 2.inside 反义词____________ 4.up 反义词_______________ 6.close 反义词_____________ 8. potato 复数____________ 10.him 物主代词___________


( ) 2.I’m sorry I _______my music book. Can I share it with you ? A.forget bringing C.forget to bring B.forgot to bring D. forgot to bring

( )3.Look !Those three ______are talking with the three ______. A.Englishmen , Germen C.Englishmen , Germen ( )4.----How do you like the dinner? A.Fine ,thank you B.English mans , Germans D.English mans , Germen ----__________. C.Yes ,please D.Thanks a lot

B.It’s great

( )5. Either of them can take this job , but what I’m interested in is who is ______. A.the most careful B.more careful C.carefully D.carefuller

( )6.-----You have ______my books for two months . -----Sorry .I’ll return it tomorrow . A.got B.lent C.borrowed D. kept

( )7.There _______a desk and four chairs in the room. -1-

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