美国文学 选择题 诗歌分析题 有答案(2)


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circumstances may rouse it to activity", which author of the following authors does the mention belong to________. 16. In Hawthorne’s novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as________.

17. All of the following are works by Nathaniel Hawthorne except_______.

A. The House of the Seven Gables18. Walt Whitman is radically innovative in the form of his poetry. What he prefers for his new subject is__________. 19. Which of the following features cannot characterize poems by Walt Whitman? Lyrical and well-structured B. Free-flowing C. Simple and rather crude D. Conversational and casual

20. " The horizon’s edge, the flying sea-crow, the fragrance of salt marsh and shore mud. These became part of that child who went forth every day, and who now goes, and will always go forth every day." The two lines are taken from____________.

A. "There Was a Child Went Forth" by Walt Whitman B. "In a Station of the Metro" by Ezra Pound

C. "Cavalry Crossing a Ford" by Walt Whitman D. "Ulysses" by Joyce

Answer: A (P454)

21. "Moby Dick" is regarded as the first American_________.

A. Prose epic B. Comic epic C. Dramatic fiction D. Poetic fiction

Answer: A (P460)

22. The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all EXCEPT________.

A. mystery of the universe B. sin of the whale C. power of the great Nature D. evil of the world

Answer: B (P461)

23. Which of the following comments on the writings by Herman Melville is not true?

A. "Bartleby, the Scrivener" is a short story. B. "Benito Cereno" is a novella.

C. The Confidence---Man has something to do with the sea and sailors. D. Moby-Dick is regarded as the first American prose epic.

Answer: C (P459---460)

24. The Transcendentalists believe that, first, nature is ennobling, and second, the individual is____, therefore, self-reliant.

A. insignificant B. vicious by nature C. divine D. forward-looking

Answer: C (P402)

II. Read the quoted part and answer the questions:

1. "Time grew worse and worse with Rip Van Winkle as years of matrimony rolled on: a tart temper mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener by constant use. For a long while he used to perpetual club of the sages, philosophers, and other idle personages of the village.


1) Please identify the author and the title of the work.2) What’s the meaning of this passage?


1) This is an excerpt from "Rip Van Winkle" by Washington Irving. (P408)

2) With his wife’s dominance at home, the situation became harder and harder for Rip Van Winkle. His wife’s temper became worse and she scolded him for more often. He had to stay in the club with idle people. (P407) 2 美国文学 单选题 诗歌分析题

附:Question: Please describe the changes Rip Van Winkle experienced.

Answer: 1) Rip Van Winkle was the hero in Irving’s works. He was a good-natured man, a henpecked (惧内

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