Larry Li (李百炼教授)
Professor of Ecology
University of California at Riverside
Elsevier Author Workshop
March 27, 2009
To publish or not to publish…
Writing a quality manuscript
Article construction
Technical details
Revisions and response to reviewers
Ethical issues
Conclusions: getting accepted
To publish or not to
Why publish?
Scientists publish tosharewith the research
communityfindings that advance knowledge and
To present new, original results or methods
To rationalize published results
To present a review of the field or to summarize a
particular topic
Publish or perishFunding Bodies
Grant Writing
Scientists/ Clinicians
Journal Publication
Publishers do not want zero-cited articles
Editors now regularly analyze citations per article
“The statistic that 27% of our papers were not cited in 5 years was disconcerting. It certainly indicates that it is important to maintain high standards when
accepting papers... nothing would have been lost
except the CV's of those authors would have been
–MarvBauer, Editor, Remote Sensing of Environment
Publishers do want qualityWANTED Originality Significant advances in field Appropriate methods and conclusions Readability Studies that meet ethical standards
NOT WANTED Duplications Reports of no scientific interest Work out of date Inappropriate methods or conclusions Studies with insufficient data
“Just because it has not been done before is no justification for doing it now.”
–Peter Attiwill, Editor-in-Chief, Forest
Ecology and Management
I would also add that ‘Just because someone else already
used a technique or method to study species A or site A is
no justification for you to do it for species B or site B.”
Can I publish this?
Have you done something new and interesting?
Have you checked the latest results in the field?
Have the findings been verified?
Have the appropriate controls been performed?
Do your findings tell a nice story or is the story
Is the work directly related to a current hot topic?
Have you provided solutions to any difficult problems?If all answers are “yes”, then start preparing your manuscript.
Writing a quality manuscript
What type of manuscript?
Full articles / Original articles
Letters / Rapid Communications / Short Communications
Review papers / Perspectives or Viewpoints
Self-evaluate your work: Is it sufficient for a full article? Or are your results so thrilling that they need to be revealed as soon as possible?
Ask your supervisor and colleagues for advice on manuscript type. Sometimes outsiders may see things more clearly than you.
Who is the audience?
Do you want to reach specialists,
multidisciplinary researchers, or a general
audience? You will need to adjust information and writing style accordingly
Journals, even in similar subjects, reach readers with different backgrounds
Each journal has its own style; read other
articles to get an idea of what is accepted
Is the readership worldwide or local?
Which journal?
–Aims and scope (check journal websites and recent articles)
–Types of articles
–Current hot topics (go through recent
–Asking colleagues for advice
Sometimes it is necessary to lower one’s sights or return to the lab/clinic to obtain more data
DO NOT gamble by scattering your manuscript to many journals
Only submit once!
International ethics standards
prohibit multiple simultaneous
submissions, and editors DO find
Consulting the Guide for Authors will
save your time and the editor’s
All editors hate wasting time on poorly
prepared manuscripts
It is a sign of disrespect
Consult and apply the list of guidelines in the “Guide for Authors”
Ensure that you use the correct:
–Section lengths (stick to word limits)
–Nomenclature, abbreviations and spelling (British vs. American)
–Reference format
–Number/type of figures and tables
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