新联通 品牌发展策略china unicom branding strategy2008.6
Presentation Structure问题:新联通面对的关键问题The Problem: The key issue facing China Unicom
解决方案:寻求更简单的品牌架构The Solution: Towards a more simplified brand architecture
路线图:迈向新品牌架构的途径The Roadmap: Pathway towards the new branding architecture
短期策略:未来的5个月的过渡方案Short Term Strategy: The next 150 days
问题:新联通面对的关键问题the problem the key business issue facing China Unicom
#1: 发展现状——大池塘里的小鱼#1: small fish in big pond
用户数 Subscribers 中国联通(G网) China Unicom (GSM) 中国移动 China Mobile 121 369
收入(人民币 百万) Revenue (rmb bill) 99 357
资源投入上,中国移动远超中国联通China Mobile outspends Unicom
Unit=million RMB4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 1,291 1,786 1,400 1,571 2006.1-11 2007.1-11 4,201 4,207
China Unicom中国联通
China Mobile中国移动
China Tel ecom中国电信
China Netcom中国网通
(Source: Mediacom, TV+Print+outdoor+Internet)
Unicom’s sub brand’s have significantly weaker equity than that of China Mobile% 无提示认知 Spontaneous brand awareness 7060 50 40 30 20 10 0 SZX vs. Ruyi神州行 VS. 如意通
Gotone vs. World Wind
全球通 VS. 世界风
Mzone vs. Upower
动感地带 VS. 新势力
(Source: CTR research Y2006)
China Netcom is a significantly weaker brand than China Telecom China Telecom 中国电信 固定电话用户 Fixed line subscribers 宽带用户 Broad band subscribers 小灵通用户 PHS 226 38 China Netcom 中国网通 118 22
#2:用户现状:相对低端 #2: relatively low end customer每用户平均收入 ARPU 中国移动 China Mobile 中国联通(CDMA) China Unicom (cdma) 中国联通(GSM) China Unicom (gsm)
2005 90 75
2006 90 66
2007 89 58
#3: 相对分散的品牌架构
#3: relatively fragmented brand structure
China unicom 中国联通
World Wind 世界风
U-Power 新势力
Ruyi Tong 如意通
Fragmented brand portfolio: many small brands rather than one big brand
Awareness 认知度 联通(企业品牌) Unicom (corporate brand name) 世界风 WorldWind 新势力 U Power 如意通 Ruyi Tong 94%
Unaided Aw. 无提示认知度 50%
34% 36% 65%
9% 12% 27%
Dispersed spending diffuses the brand building effort
Unit= 1,000 RMB500000 450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 SZX vs. Ruyi神州行 VS. 如意通
Gotone vs. WorldWind
全球通 VS. 世界风
动感地带 VS. 新势力
Mzone vs. Upowe
(Source: Mediacom, TV)
#4: CNC merger adds complexity to the portfolio
固定电话 品牌
宽带 品牌
客服 品牌
其他 品牌(语音增值业务平台)
Complex and mass brand architecture of CNC and China Unicom
客户 品牌
业务 品牌
客服 品牌
固定电话 品牌
宽带 品牌
客服 品牌
其他 品牌(语音增值业务平台) (宽带+固话套餐)
解决方案:寻求更简单、更有效的品牌架构the solution:a simpler, more cost efficient and more effective branding approach
#1: 单一品牌策略
#1: single brand strategy
一个大品牌 还是 很多小品牌? one big brand versus many small brands
建设单一品牌,以面对复杂的细分市场Branding in a segmented market
国际上的通行经验是:用一个品牌覆盖所有细分市场 Global practice in this category is to have ONE SINGLE brand across all segments
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