HART Field Communication Protocol Specification HCF_SPEC-13_


HART Field Communication Protocol Specification HCF_SPEC-13_spec013.r7.2



HART Communication Protocol Specification

HCF_SPEC-13, Revision 7.2 Release Date: 9 March, 2009

HART Field Communication Protocol Specification HCF_SPEC-13_spec013.r7.2

HART Communication Foundation Document Number: HCF_SPEC-13

HART Communication Protocol Specification

Release Date: 9 March, 2009

Document Distribution / Maintenance Control / Document Approval

To obtain information concerning document distribution control, maintenance control, and document approval please contact the HART Communication Foundation (HCF) at the address shown below. Copyright © 1993 (1995 – 1999, 2001, 2004 –2009) HART® Communication Foundation

This document contains copyrighted material and may not be reproduced in any fashion without the written permission of the HART Communication Foundation.

Trademark Information

HART® is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation, Austin, Texas, USA. Any use of the term HART hereafter in this document, or in any document referenced by this document, implies the registered trademark. WirelessHART™ is a trademark of the HART Communication Foundation. All other trademarks used in this or referenced documents are trademarks of their respective companies. For more information contact the HCF Staff at the address below.

Attention: Foundation Director

HART Communication Foundation

9390 Research Boulevard

Suite I-350

Austin, TX 78759, USA

Voice: (512) 794-0369

FAX: (512) 794-3904


Intellectual Property Rights

The HCF does not knowingly use or incorporate any information or data into the HART Protocol Standards which the HCF does not own or have lawful rights to use. Should the HCF receive any notification regarding the existence of any conflicting Private IPR, the HCF will review the disclosure and either (a) determine there is no conflict; (b) resolve the conflict with the IPR owner; or (c) modify the standard to remove the conflicting requirement. In no case does the HCF encourage implementers to infringe on any individual's or organization's IPR.

Revision 7.2, Release Date: 9 March, 2009 Page 2 of 35

HART Field Communication Protocol Specification HCF_SPEC-13_spec013.r7.2

HART Communication Foundation Document Number: HCF_SPEC-13

HART Communication Protocol Specification

Table of Contents

Preface (5)

Introduction (7)

1.Scope (9)

1.1Conformance Requirements (9)

1.2Terms and Conditions (9)

2.References (11)

2.1The HART Communication Protocol Specification (11)

2.2Related HART Documents (12)

2.3Related Communication Documents (12)

3.Definitions (12)

4.Protocol Revision Rules (20)

4.1Specification Identification (20)

4.2HART Communication Protocol Revision Level (21)

4.3Modifications to Protocol Specifications (22)

4.4Approval (23)

5.HART Communication Protocol Revision Matrix (23)

6.HART Communication Protocol Document List (26)

Annex A.Revision History (32)

A1.Changes from Revision 7.1 to 7.2 (32)

A2.Changes from Revision 7.0 to 7.1 (32)

A3.Changes from Revision 6.5 to 7.0 (32)

A4.Changes from Revision 6.4 to 6.5 (32)

A5.Changes from Revision 6.3 to 6.4 (33)

A6.Changes from Revision 6.2 to 6.3 (33)

A7.Changes from Revision 6.1 to 6.2 (33)

A8.Changes from Revision 6.0 to 6.1 (33)

A9.Changes from Revision 5.9 to 6.0 (34)

A10.Changes from Revision 5.8 to 5.9 (34)

A11.Changes from Revision 5.7 to 5.8 (34)

A12.Changes from Revision 5.6 to 5.7 (35)

Revision 7.2, Release Date: 9 March, 2009 Page 3 of 35

HART Field Communication Protocol Specification HCF_SPEC-13_spec013.r7.2

HART Communication Foundation Document Number: HCF_SPEC-13

HART Communication Protocol Specification

List of Tables

Table 1. HART Protocol Specification Revision 7.1 Documents (11)

Table 2. HART Protocol Revision Number Cross Reference (24)

Table 3. HART Communication Protocol Specification (26)

Table 4. Physical and Data Link Layer Specification (27)

Table 5. FSK Physical Layer Specification (27)

Table 6. C8PSK Physical Layer Specification (27)

Table 7. 2.4GHz DSSS O-QPSK Physical Layer Specification (27)

Table 8. Voltage Modulation Physical Layer Specification (27)

Table 9. TDMA Data-Link Layer (28)

Table 10. Token-Passing Data Link Layer Specification (28)

Table 11. Network Management Specification (28)

Table 12. Command Summary Specification (28)

Table 13. Universal Command Specification (29)

Table 14. Common Practice Command Specification (29)

Table 15. Wireless Command Specification (30)

Table 16. Device Families Command Specification (30)

Table 17. Common Tables Specification (30)

Table 18. Block Transfer Specification (31)

Table 19. Discrete Applications Specification (31)

Table 20. Wireless Devices Specification (31)

Table 21. Command Response Code Specification (31)

Revision 7.2, Release Date: 9 March, 2009 Page 4 of 35

HART Field Communication Protocol Specification HCF_SPEC-13_spec013.r7.2

HART Communication Foundation Document Number: HCF_SPEC-13

HART Communication Protocol Specification


This preface is included for informational purposes only.

Since release of the HART Communication Protocol Revision 7.0 Specifications in September 2007, HCF staff and Technical Working Groups updating existing HART Test Specifications and developing new Test Specifications for wireless have closely scrutinized the Protocol Specifications. Any anomalies, errors or ina …… 此处隐藏:28448字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……

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