Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre 3 Table of Contents


Version 1.0

Mesh Generation

Mark Filipiak

Edinburgh Parallel Computing CentreThe University of Edinburgh

Version 1.0

November 1996ecc

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Table of Contents

1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

1.1Discretisation and mesh type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

1.2Mesh characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Structured meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

2.1Boundary-fitted meshes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

2.2Problem solution on curved grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

2.3Boundary fitting grids on a single block. . . . . . . . .11

2.4Algebraic grid generation: interpolation. . . . . . . . .11

2.4.1Transfinite interpolation (TFI). . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.5PDE grid generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

2.5.1Elliptic grid generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.6Implementation in 3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

2.7Other methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

2.7.1Hyperbolic grid generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.7.2Parabolic grid generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.8Multiblock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

2.8.1C, O, H grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.8.2Multiblock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.9Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Unstructured Meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

3.1Mesh requirements for the Finite Element Method23

3.2Mesh generation methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

3.2.1Decomposition and mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.2.2Grid based methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2.3Advancing front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.2.4Delaunay triangulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2.5Other methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.2.6Smoothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Adaptive Meshing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

4.1Adaptive meshes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

4.2Parallel mesh generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .392345

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1 Introduction

Continuous physical systems, such as the airflow around an aircraft, the stress con-

centration in a dam, the electric field in an integrated circuit, or the concentration of

reactants in a chemical reactor, are generally modelled using partial differential equa-

tions. To perform simulations of these systems on a computer, these continuum equa-

tions need to be discretised, resulting in a finite number of points in space (and time)

at which variables such as velocity, density, electric field are calculated. The usual

methods of discretisation, finite differences, finite volumes and finite elements, use

neighbouring points to calculate derivatives, and so there is the concept of a mesh or

grid on which the computation is performed.

There are two mesh types, characterised by the connectivity of the points. Structured

meshes have a regular connectivity, which means that each point has the same

number of neighbours (for some grids a small number of points will have a different

number of neighbours). Unstructured meshes have irregular connectivity: each point

can have a different number of neighbours. Figure 1 gives an example of each type of

grid. In some cases part of the grid is structured and part unstructured (e.g., in vis-

cous flows where the boundary layer could be structured and the rest of the flow


Figure 1: Structured mesh (left) and unstructured mesh (right).

In the rest of this chapter, the various discretisation methods are described, with their

mesh requirements. Chapter 2 describes the methods used to generate structured

meshes in simple domains (algebraic and elliptic methods) and the extension to com-

plex domans usng multblock. Chapter 3 descrbes methods used to generate

unstructured meshes, concentrating on the two main methods for producing triangu-

lar/tetrahedral meshes: advancing front and Delaunay triangulation. Chapter 4 gives

a very brief introduction to adaptive meshing.

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1.1 Discretisation and mesh type

The main discretisation methods are finite differences [8], finite volumes (which isequivalent to finite differences) [9] and finite elements [10]. To illustrate the methods,we consider the conservation form of the convection equation

ρ+ (ρU)=Swhereρ is the density,U is the velocity, andS is a source term. TheρU term is theflux ofρ.

The finite difference formulation approximates the derivatives using neighbouringpoints, e.g., for a regular, rectangular grid with spacingh in thex direction


Although irregular gridscan be used for finite differences, regular grids are invariablyused. These lead to smple dfference schemes and effcent solvers (on vectormachines, for example). There can be problems with the finite difference scheme atcoordinate singularities for certain regular grids (e.g., spherical polar coordinates)


In the finite volume formulation, the physical space is split up into small volumesVand the partial differential equations integrated over each of these volumes:

dρd +V∫∫(ρU) ndΓ=∫Sd °V V

Then the variables are approximated by their average values in each volume, and thefluxes through the surfaces of each volume are approximated as function of the varia-bles in neighbouring volumes.

Finite volume discretisation can use both regular and irregular meshes. In an irregu-lar mesh the fluxes through the surfaces are still well defined.

The finite element method also splits the spaces up into small volumes, the ‘elements’.In each element, the variables and fluxes are approximated using weighting func-tions. The computational variables are the coefficients of these weighting (or ‘shape’)functions.

Finite element methods generally use irregular meshes: there is no special advantagein using regular meshes.

1.2 Mesh characteristics

For all types of meshes, there are certain characteristics that we want to control. The local density of points. High density gives more accuracy, but computationtakes longer. This leads to adaptive meshing methods , treated very briefly in6Technology Watch Report

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Chapter 4.

The smoothness of the point distribution. Large variations in grid density or

shape can cause numerical diffusion or anti-diffusion and dispersion or refrac-

tion of waves. This can lead to inaccurate results or instability [12].

The shape of the grid volumes. For instance, boundary layers in fluid flow re-

quire a grid that is very compressed normal to the flow direction. In the finite

element method using triangular elements the maximum angle must be bound-

ed strictly belowπ to prove convergence of the method as the element size is

reduced [11].

For simple domains, the choice between regular or irregular meshes is governed

mainly by the discretisation method. However, for complex domains (e.g., the inside

of a hydro-electric turbine) irregular meshes are preferred to regular meshes. Irregu-

lar mesh generation (at least for triangular or tetrahedral elements) can be fully auto-

matic and fast. Regular mesh generation requires the domain to be split up into

simple blocks which are then meshed automatically. This block decomposition is at

best semi-automatic and can require man-months of user effort.

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2 Structured meshes

This chapter begins with a discussion of boundary- tted grids and the discretisation

of PDEs on them, then deals with the main methods for grid generation of simple

domains (using algebraic or differential equation methods) and then explains the

multiblock concept used for more complicated domains. References [12] and [13] are

detailed expositions of structured mesh generation.

2.1 Boundary- tted meshes

Structured meshes are characterised by regular connectivity, i.e., the points of the grid

can be indexed (by 2 indices in 2D, 3 indices in 3D) and the neighbours of each point

can calculated rather than looked up (e.g., the neighbours of the point(i,j)are at


i–1,j), etc.). Meshes on a rectangular domain are trivial to generate

(though come care needs to be taken in the discretisation at convex corners) and struc-

tured mesh generation techniques concentrate on meshing domains with irregular

boundaries, e.g., the ow in blood vessels, or the deformation, ow and heat transfer

in metal being formed in dies. Generally the meshes are generated so that they t the

boundaries, with one coordinate surface forming (part of) the boundary. This gives

accurate solutions near the boundary and enables the use of fast and accurate solvers.

For uid ow these grids allow the easy application of turbulence models, which usu-

ally require the grid to be aligned with the boundary. The alternative is to use a rec-

tangular grid which is clipped at the boundary, with local grid re nement near sharp

features on the boundary (‘Cartesian grids’). This will reduce the truncation order at

the boundary and will require the mesh cells to be clipped at the boundary, increasing

the complexity of the solver (even for a nite volume code). Cartesian grid generation

is very fast and has been used for Euler aerodynamics [14]; it does not appear to be

applicable to Navier-Stokes aerodynamics.

The most common method of generating boundary- tting grids is to have one contin-

uous grid that ts to all the boundaries. The effect is to t a contiguous set of rectan-

gular computational domains to a physical domain with curved boundaries (Figure


Figure 2: Two-block boundary- tted grid

It is dif cult to t complex domains with one mapping from a rectangular computa-

tional domain without generating excessively skewed grids. To get round this prob-

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lem the domain is split up into blocks and each block is gridded, with some continuity

requirements at the block interfaces; this ismultiblock. The decomposition of the

domain into blocks is usually done manually using CAD techniques and is slow.

An alternative to continuous boundary- tted grids with multiple blocks is to use a

boundary tting grid near each boundary, and simple rectangular grid in the interior,

and interpolate between them. These are calledoverset orchimera grids (Figure 3)[15].

Figure 3: Overset grids

This type of grid is easier to generate than a multiblock grid since each grid is local

and doesn’t need to match to others. The individual grids will generally be of high

quality (low distortion). However, the interpolation can be dif cult, especially with

more than two grids overlapping, and it adds to the solver time (increasing it by 10%-

30%). The overlapping grids cannot be too different in resolution and this can cause

problems with the grids required for boundary layers in viscous ow simulations.

Chimera grids are very useful for moving boundaries (e.g., helicopter blades) or mul-

tiple boundaries (e.g., particles in a uid). Most of the grid remains xed but the inter-

polation changes as the grids move with the boundaries.

Chimera grids do have certain advantages, and the recent work [16] on conservative

interpolation methods have increased their usefulness. However, the bulk of struc-

tured grid generation is based on multiblock type grids, and we will concentrate on

these for the rest of this chapter.

2.2 Problem solution on curved grids

Once the grid is generated, the physical problem has to be discretised and solved on

this grid. It is possible to calculate nite difference or nite volume formulas using the

physical grid directly, but this will reduce the truncation order of the FD/FV scheme

since the grids are generally non-uniform. The preferred method is to transform the

equations used to model the problem into computational space. Since the physical

grid is de ned as some transformation from the rectangular computational grid, this

process is straightforward. The resulting equations in the computational space will

include the effects of the coordinate transformation, e.g., time derivatives of moving

grids. The nite differencing can be done on the transformed equations, on the com-

putational grid. Since the computational grid is usually completely regular, high

order methods can be used, and the truncation order is preserved if the resulting FD/

FV equations are transformed back to the physical grid. (Flow solvers can be devel-

oped to use chimera grids, with the extra book-keeping required to interpolate

between each grid.)

Although the order of FD/FV methods can be preserved, there are other effects of cur-

vilinear grids on the accuracy of the solution.

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Grid size variation gives numerical diffusion (or anti-diffusion leading to insta-bility). The effect is worst with small grid size and large solution gradients.Non-orthogonality, or skewness, of the (physical) grid increases the coef cient

of the truncation error, but doesn’t change the order. Skewness of up to45° are

acceptable in the centre of the grid, but one-sided differences are used at bound-

aries, where orthogonality should be maintained. These limits on skewness are

the main reason that multiblock methods are used.

In a multiblock scheme, the corner junctions between blocks are usually points

with non-standard connectivity (e.g., in 2D, 5 grid lines from a point rather than

4) and these need special treatment (e.g., for nite volume discretisation these

points need to be discretised in physical space).

2.3 Boundary tting grids on a single block

For simple domains, a single grid can be used without leading to excessive skewness.

The computational space is a rectangle or cuboid, or at least has a rectangular bound-

ary, with a regular, rectangular grid. We then need to de ne a 1-1 mapping from the

computational space to the physical space. The methods currently used are

algebraic grid generation, where the grid is interpolated from the physicalboundaries,methods where a PDE for the grid point coordinates is solved,variational grid generation, where some functional, e.g., smoothness, is maxim-

ised/minimised (variational grid generation is not treated in this report, see [13]

for details),

other methods, (not treated in this report), e.g., conformal mapping [12], [13].

2.4 Algebraic grid generation: interpolation

The method used in the algebraic method of grid generation istrans nite interpolation


2.4.1 Trans nite interpolation (TFI)

Working in 2D (the extension to 3D is straightforward), take the computational

domain as the unit square[0,1]×[0,1] with coordinatess andt, and the physical

domain as some region with coordinatesx andy. To generate the grid in the physical

space, we would create a grid in the unit square and map this into the physical

domain. There are two requirements for this mapping (Figure 4):

It must be 1-1, andthe boundaries of the computational space must map into the boundaries of the

physical space,

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but otherwise the mapping can be arbitrary, although it may not produce a good grid.







Figure 4: Mapping of boundaries

TFI is one kind of mapping, where the physical coordinates, treated as a function of

the computational coordinates, are interpolated from their values on the boundaries

of the computational domain. Since the data is given at a non-denumerable number of

points, the interpolation is called trans nite.

The 2D interpolation is constructed as a linear combination of 2 1D interpolations

(also calledprojections) and their product. First de ne the blending functionsφ0,φ1

andθ0,θ1 that will be used to interpolate in each direction.φ0 interpolates values

from thes=0 boundary into the domain,φ1 interpolates values from thes=1

boundary into the domain, and similarly forθ0,θ1 in thet direction. The require-

ments onφ0(s) andφ1(s) areφ0(0)=1,φ0(1)=0


and similarly forθ0,θ1 in thet direction. The simplest blending function is linear,

giving linear interpolation



The 1D trans nite interpolations (projections) are formed as follows (for thex coordi-nate)



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and the product projection is



which is the nite interpolant for the values ofx at the four corners of the computa-

tional domain. The 2D trans nite interpolation is then



which interpolates to the entire boundary. To form the grid in the physical space, this

interpolant is used to map the points of a regular grid in the computational space (Fig-

ure 5).





Figure 5: Trans nite interpolation

It is possible to extend the TFI to so that it interpolates to several coordinate lines, not

just the boundaries. This is useful to control the grid density and also may be required

to ensure a 1-1 mapping (i.e, a valid grid). The blending functions would then be, for

example, cubic splines. It is also possible to match normal derivatives, e.g.dx ds, at

the boundaries. This allows grid slope continuity between the blocks of a multiblock


There are some problems with TFI. The mapping will propagate boundary singulari-

ties (corners) into the interior of the domain, which is not ideal for uid ow simula-

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tions. A more serious problem is that if the mapping is not 1-1 then overspill occurs

(Figure 6).





Figure 6: Overspill

This can be corrected be re-parameterising the boundaries, or adding constraint lines

(surfaces in 3D) inside the domain.

However, TFI grid generation is very fast and is the only competitive method for 3D.

It is possible to use an PDE based generator to re ne a grid produced using TFI.

2.5 PDE grid generation

The idea behind these methods is to de ne PDEs for the physical space coordinates in

terms of the computational space coordinates, and then solve these equations on a

grid in computational space to create a grid in physical space. The main type of PDE

used is elliptic, which is suitable for domains with closed boundaries (for unbounded

domains, a ctitious boundary at large distances is used). The alternatives are hyper-

bolic and parabolic equations, which are used for unbounded domains.

2.5.1 Elliptic grid generation

These methods start with an PDE for the computational space coordinatesξ andξ

1212in terms of the physical space coordinatesx andx (the extension to 3D is straight-

forward). The simplest example is the Laplace equation


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Parts of the physical boundary, corresponding to coordinate lines, are then ‘equipo-

tential surfaces’ (Figure 7).

0ξ ξ constant

1 Figure 7: Elliptic grid generation boundaries

In 2D, the extremum principle guarantees that the mapping is 1-1, and the Laplace

operator is smoothing so that boundary slope discontinuities are not propagated into

the interior.

In order to solve the equation in its current form, you would already need a grid in

the physical domain, so the equation is transformed so thatx are the dependent var-

iables, andξ are the independent variables

Using the equation for ξ in the relation2kii

=ggives2ijξξi 2k j+ ξ ξk=0

gijijξξij=0andg (the metric tensor) can be expressed in terms ofgij=i j (see [12] forξξ


This quasi-linear equation can then be solved in the rectangularξ domain, with the

location of the points on the physical boundaries as the boundary data at the points

on the computational boundaries. Any standard solver can be used, and an algebrai-

cally generated grid can be used as the initial guess to ensure/increase convergence.

Grids based on the Laplace equation are not very exible. The coordinate lines tend to

be equally spaced, except near convex or concave boundaries, and it is not possible to

control the grid line slope at the boundaries (since this is a 2nd order equation).

To control the grid spacing and slope, we can add a source term (control function), giv-

ing Poisson’s equationi


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The effect of the control function is shown in Figure 8


P < 02ξ0

P < 01ξ0

Figure 8: Effect of control functions

The metric tensor is factored out of the source terms to give, in general


The transformed equations now become2ijki

ijk =0g P+ ξiξjijξk

Usually only one-dimensional stretching in each direction is required; then the source

term isgPii (no sum). In theory, the source terms are de ned in terms of the physical

coordinates, but in practice they are de ned in terms of the computational coordi-

nates, so they will cause attraction to/repulsion from grid points rather than xed

physical points. This makes the direct (manual) use of control functions rather dif -

cult and they tend to be used indirectly to achieve a variety of effects

Because of the strong smoothing, the coordinate lines will tend to be equally

spaced in the interior of the domain. To get the boundary point spacing to prop-

agate into the interior, source terms can be derived from boundary data to give

the desired spacing, and then interpolated (using trans nite interpolation)

The point spacing is xed on the boundary, and since the grid generation equa-

tions are 2nd order, it is not possible to control the coordinate line slope at the

boundary as well. One possible solution is to use the biharmonic equation rather

than Laplace’s equation, but the preferred method is to use control functions. In

Steger and Sorenson’s method [12] the control functions are iteratively adjusted

as the elliptic equation is solved, and the grid line slope at the boundary, the grid

point spacing along the boundary, and the spacing of the rst parallel grid line

from the boundary, can all be controlled. This can be used to give a grid that is

orthogonal at the boundary (e.g., for boundary layers). It can also be used to give

slope and spacing continuity for patched grids (for embedded grids in multi-

block, but see later for a better but slower method of matching at block bound-


2.6 Implementation in 3D

In 3D we have a cuboid as the computational domain and the generation process pro-

ceeds in the order: edges, surfaces, volume. First we choose the computational grid.The gridding of the edges is calculated using a 1D Poisson equation. Then the bound-

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