Ladies and gentlemen, the competitions today have come to an end. And there will be _______competitions to be held in the Main Stadium tomorrow between ___________ and _____________.
女士们先生们, 下面是安全通告。 如果大学城中心体育场要求紧急疏散, 请您不要惊慌, 并立即寻找离自己最近的出口离开, 紧急出口标志在场馆内部的显眼处都会看见。黄线和疏散协助员也将会引导您离开场馆。 如果在紧急疏散时您需要任何特殊的协助, 请您现在就向我们的安保人员联系。
在没有通告安全之前, 请您在场外的等候区稍事休息。我们的相关指挥机构会尽快确保场馆内的安全以便大家重新进入大学城中心体育场。 请您始终听从现场警察和紧急疏散协助员的指引, 因为这些信息不仅与您自身的安全息息相关, 而且更涉及到您身边的人。最后, 祝您在场馆度过愉快的时光。
Ladies and gentlemen, in the interests of spectator safety; please pay attention to the following announcement. Should evacuation of this venue, SZ University Town Main Stadium be required, please do not panic. All persons must immediately proceed to the nearest sector exit. To assist in the evacuation process, emergency exit signs are positioned around the stadium. Yellow lines and emergency evacuation staff will also guide you out of the stadium. Should you require special assistance in the instance that an evacuation may occur, please identify yourselves to our security staff now.Spectators should assemble in the waiting areas outside the stadium and wait here until the relevant authorities have informed you that it is safe to re-enter the venue. Please follow the directions of the police and evacuation team at all times. This message is in the best interests of not only your safety but those around you. Enjoy the game!