(下雨) It’s raining today. The temperature outside the stadium is _________. Please seek shelter
from the rain. If you need any help please do not hesitate to contact our staff.
(阴天或晴天+寒冷) Today is cloudy/sunny, and the temperature outside the stadium is _______.
The _______ wind is blowing. Shen Zhen 2011 Universiade sincerely remind you of keeping
(台风) Typhoon is impending. Please be alert to the potential for personal injury. If you need any
help, please do not hesitate to contact our staff.
7. 观众服务信息
1. 观众朋友们,请您持票入场,对号入座,并记得将您的门票妥善保管。谢谢合作!
Our dear spectators, please remember to bring your ticket with you and take your seat
according to the number on your ticket! Thanks for your cooperation!
2. 观众朋友们,请保管好您的私人物品,贵重物品请随身携带,小心丢失。如果您需要任
And remember to take good care your personal belongings. If you need any help, please
contact our staffs, thank you!
3. 2011年深圳大运会希望能为您提供一个干净、良好的场馆环境,请协助我们将所有废弃
2011 Shen Zhen Summer Universiade wish to provide you a clean environment, so let’s keep
our spectators seating areas clean from litter. Thanks for your cooperation!
8. 场馆介绍
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SZ university town main stadium. This
stadium covers an area of 57,000㎡ and has four floors in total. The entrances are on
different floors. On the first floor there are entrances respectively for athletes, officials
and other staff. There are four well-equipped athletes’ locker rooms, four referees’
locker rooms and a lot of office rooms and 24 spectators’ seat areas.