期末考试试卷 A卷 附答案
汽车专业英语 试卷 答案
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汽车专业英语 试卷 答案
7、What determines the size and the placement of the engine block? 、 A. The number of spark plugs C. The number of cylinders 8、In the standard engine, each cylinder has ___________. 、 A. four valves B. two valves C. one valve B. The number of pistons
9、A crankshaft's job in an engine is to ______ 、 A. Deliver fuel to the cylinders B. Keep cylinder heads in place C. Change linear motion into rotational motion
10、The ___________ system on an internal combustion engine provides the spark that ignites the 、 combustible air/fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. A. starting B. fuel C. igniting
11、 ___________ is a device used to provide smooth engagement and disengagement of engine and 、 The transmission. A. clutch B. differential C. final drive
12、Flywheel _________ tends to keep it rotating at a constant speed. 、 A. inertia B. quality C. weight
13、This component is an electronically controlled valve that is capable of opening and closing many 、 times per second.What is the name of the component? A. oil pressure sensor B. A fuel injector C. A spark plug
14、Why is oil such an important part of a car's engine ? 、 A. It keeps the engine cool B. It keeps the steering wheel turning smoothly. C. It keeps the pistons and bearings lubricated for a smooth-running engine. 15、Which statement is right about the cooling system ? 、 A. The engine can cooled only by water. B. To keep an engine in good working order,a cooling system is
necessary. C. An air cooling system means that the antifreeze is used to circulate through the engine .
汽车专业英语 试卷 答案
词汇互译( 15﹦ 第二题 词汇互译(2×15﹦30 分)
1. 内燃机 2. 四冲程分别是
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
3. 燃烧室 装 o 订
4、 气缸盖罩 、 曲柄连杆机构 5、 intake manifold 、 the fuel supply system 6、 手动变速器 、 离合器
o 线 o 内
7、 pitman arm 、 Differential 8、 减震器 、 绝缘体
名o 请
号o 勿 o 答 o 题
9、 planetary gear set 、 CVT 10、大循环 、 小循环 11、air filter 、 Synchronizer 12、配气机构 、 电磁线圈 13、torque converter 、 electrical equipment 14、节温器 、 气门组 15、EFI 、 TPS
汽车专业英语 试卷 答案
长句互译(20× 第三题 长句互译(20×2﹦40 分) 1、Internal combustion engines must maintain a stable operating temperature, not too 、 hot and not too cold. With the massive amounts of heat that is generated from the combustion process, if the engine did not have a method for cooling itself, it would quickly self-destruct. Major engine parts can warp causing oil and water leaks and the oil will boil and become useless.(warp:变形)
2、 发动机一般被看作是汽车的“心脏” 有着各种各样的发动机,如电动机、蒸汽机和内燃机。在汽 、 。车领域里内燃机似乎使用得最广泛的发动机,据所用燃料,内燃机可分为汽油机、柴油机等。大多数发动机 为四行程发动机。产生动力的循环由发动机内活塞往返四个行程组成:第一行程把可燃气吸进气缸。第二行 程压缩混合气,第三行程产生燃烧动力,最后一行程把已燃气体排出气缸。最后一行程把已燃气体排出气缸。
汽车专业英语 试卷 答案
使用班级汽装 09.1
2009学年第一学期期末试卷( 2009-2010 学年第一学期期末试卷(A)卷答案课程名称: 汽车专业英语 专业英语》 课程名称: 汽车专业英语》 《 考试方式:
考试方式:开卷二 30 三 40 合 计 100
题 号装 o 订 o 线 o 内 o 请 o 勿
一 30
题 分 第一题 题号 1 2 3 4 5 答案 B B B B C
题号 6 7 8 9 10
答案 C C A C C
题号 11 12 13 14 15
答案 A A B C C
第二题 题号 1 2 答案 ICE Intake stroke ,compression stroke ,power stroke, Exhaust stroke Combustion chamber cylinder head cover crankshaft and connecting rod 进气歧管 燃油供给系 manual transmission clutch 转向摇臂 差速器 shock absorber,insulator 题号 9 10 答案 行星齿轮组、无级变速 Full circulation , Simple circulation
11 12 13 14 15
7 8
空气滤清器 同步器 admission gear solenoid 变矩器 电器设备 Thermostat valve train 电子然后喷射、节气门位置 传感器
汽车专业英语 试卷 答案
第三题 1、 发动机必须保持一个恒定的工作温度,既不太热也不太冷。由于燃烧过程会产生大量热量, 如果发动机无法自我冷却,那么发动机会严重损坏,发动机的主要部件变形从而导致漏水漏油, 机油也会沸腾从而失效。
2、 The engine is generally considered the “heart" of an automobile.There are various type of engines 、 such as electric motors, steam engine and internal combustion engines.The internal combustion engine seems to be the one most commonly used in the automotive filedAccording to the fuel engine used, internal combustion engines are further divided into gasoline engines, diesel engine, etc.Most automobile engines operate on a four stroke cycle.The power production cycle consists of four piston strokes in an engine.The first stroke draws the combustible mixture into cylinder.The second stroke compresses the mixture.The third stroke creates the power of combustion.The final stroke forces burned gases out of the cylinder.