第40卷 第4期:1207-1213 2014年4月30日
DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.2014.04.037高电压技术
High Voltage Engineering Vol.40, No.4: 1207-1213
April 30, 2014
侯世英,罗书豪,孙 韬,曾 鹏
(1. 重庆大学输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室,重庆400030;
摘 要:为研究大气压下不同氦气等离子体射流结构的电特性及其射流影响因素,对外表面双电极、针 环电极、单电极结构下的大气压放电氦气等离子体射流特性进行了实验分析。分别观测、对比了不同实验条件,如电极位置、电极尺寸、外加电压和气体体积流量等,对等离子体射流的影响。结果表明:外表面双电极和针 环电极结构均可实现稳定的多脉冲放电;处于层流状态时,3种结构下等离子体射流长度均随着电压的升高而变长;当针 环电极结构的接地电极远离喷口,或是单电极结构的高压电极远离喷口时,射流长度均会缩短;外表面双电极和单电极结构中,高压电极宽度的增大会使射流长度变长,但针 环结构中电极宽度增大反而会导致射流长度缩短;针 环电极结构的伏安曲线、功率特性曲线均比外表面双电极结构的对应曲线“陡”,且针 环电极结构的放电功率相对较高。
Characteristics of Atmospheric Pressure Helium Plasma Jets
HOU Shiying, LUO Shuhao, SUN Tao, ZENG Peng
(1.State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China; 2.Maintenance Company, State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company, Chengdu 610000, China;
3.Chengdu Power Supply Company, State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company, Chengdu 610000, China)
In order to investigate the electric characteristics and influencing factors of atmospheric pressure helium plasma Abstract:
jets (APHPJs) with different electrode configurations, we analyzed the APHPJs in three kinds of electrode configurations, namely, double-wrapped electrode, needle-ring electrode, and single electrode through experiments, in which we observed and compared the changing in APHPJs under different experiment conditions, such as electrode position, geometric di-mensioning of electrode, applied voltage, and gas volume flow etc. The results show that, the multiple-pulse can be obtained both in double-wrapped electrode and needle-ring electrode. For all the three electrode configurations, length of APHPJ in laminar flow mode increases with applied voltage. When nozzle gets away from the grounding electrode of needle-ring electrode configuration or from the high voltage electrode of single electrode configuration, the jet length gets shorter. For both double-wrapped and single electrode configurations, increasing the width of high voltage electrode leads to growth of jet length, which is opposite to the result in needle-ring electrode configurations. Moreover, compared with double-wrapped electrode configuration, needle-ring electrode configuration has steeper characteristic curves of volt-ampere and power, as well as higher discharge power.
Key words:atmospheric pressure plasma; jet; electrode configuration; jet length; multiple-pulse; dielectric barrier discharge
0 引言
近年来,大气压等离子体射流(atmospheric pressure plasma jet, APPJ)技术在国际上引起了重大关注,被广泛用于材料表面改性、等离子体刻蚀、———————
Project supported by Independent Research Project of State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology (2007DA10512711204), The 111 Program (B08036).
义上的使用介质阻挡放电(dielectric barrier dis-charge, DBD)来产生低温等离子体的技术,由于其放电间隙在数mm至几cm范围内,并需要较高的气体击穿电压,且无法用来处理体积稍大的物品,因此无法广泛用于实际工程中。此外,活性粒子获取能量需要一定的空间和时间,狭小的空间易导致活性粒子能量较低,继而大大影响放电等离子体的
1208 40(4) 高电压技术 2014,
有关APPJ的影响因素也有许多报道。德国的Teschke M等认为,外表面双电极结构APPJ的射流长度在很大程度上取决于气体浓度;此外,利用处于层流状态的APPJ能够更好地将活性物质的能量传递给处理对象
图1 实验系统示意图
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of experiment setup
DSC-W390拍摄,曝光时间为0.1 s。